Open Bug 1355759 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Make video controls able to hide error overlay for some errors when downloaded media is still playable


(Toolkit :: Video/Audio Controls, enhancement)

52 Branch




(Reporter: ralin, Unassigned)


We can still operate media when encountered some errors, such as loading stopped error or network error, but the video would be barely visible due to error overlay now. In these cases, we should somehow hide the overlay to make error message less disruptive to users.
Summary: Hide error overlay for some errors when downloaded media is still playable → Make video controls able to hide error overlay for some errors when downloaded media is still playable
Update the intention:

Instead of automatically hide the overlay, we should provide a way for user to hide the overlay, i.g. add a "X" button in the corner of error message.
Severity: normal → S3
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