Closed Bug 1357957 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Create a landing page for users who encounter a Lithium URL or cached redirect


( :: Knowledge Base Content, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pmcclard, Unassigned)



Users who visited lithium while it was live and hit a url that Lithium redirected will likely have that redirect cached indefinitely. Lithium used a 301 redirect without expiry (we will have them change these to 302 but that does not help us now).
There are likely other Lithium urls floating around either in google or bookmarked and I have confirmed at least one in Thunderbird.

The impact on affected users is they see the Kitsune 404 page ( User's will need to know that they should search for the content they are looking for.

We should create a landing page that explains they should search for the content they are looking for or provide links to content that may be affected by these cached redirects.
:jsavage can you create a landing page in Kitsune for these users?
Flags: needinfo?(jsavage)
Blocks: 1357950
Giorgos implemented a solution that is now live.

This solution for /t5/ (Lithium urls) does it's best to find matching content on Kitsune. This includes actually going to Lithium to try and find a title and doing a match. It's very clever :)

His solution makes it so we do not (programmatically) need this landing page. You may still want this from an "editorial" perspective as a place to point users too. If not go ahead and close this out.
Closed: 7 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jsavage)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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