Open Bug 13610 Opened 25 years ago Updated 7 months ago

::first-letter does not inherit from ::first-line when floated


(Core :: Layout: Floats, defect, P3)






(Reporter: ian.graham, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(4 keywords, Whiteboard: [Hixie-P3] [nsbeta3-][CSS1-2.4][CSS1-5.5.25] relnote-devel)


(8 files, 1 obsolete file)

When formatting is assigned using both :first-line and :first-letter, then the :first-letter pseudo-element should inherit the formatting properties assigned to :first-line. This indeed happens if the first-letter is not floated. However, if float: is applied to the :first-letter pseudo-element, then it no longer inherits the properties set for the first line. This was tested on Win 98, Seamonkey M9 build. The URL references a test document demonstrating the two cases.
Assignee: peterl → kipp
Component: Style System → Layout
The floated first-letter's style context is being created with the wrong parent. Also, the style context in the placeholder frame for floated first-letter frames is a sibling of the first-letter style context. All other placeholder contexts are *children* of the floated style context. Two more problems on this page: 1) by resizing the page horizontally you'll see words at the end of the first-line that are not in first-line style (they get pushed because they don't fit, then they get pulled back because they do fit in the smaller size). 2) slowly resize the page smaller so that the <b><i>does not</i></b> text barely does not fit on the first line. The word "not" shows on the second line still in the first line style.
Target Milestone: M15
I was unable to reproduce the two additional problems noted by Peter. Could processor speed/memory size be a factor (this seems like some part of the rendering system isn't catching an event at the right time)? I am testing with a 450MHz PIII with 128Meg -- and tried for several minutes (with M9 build) to reproduce the weirdness Peter saw.
I think that the style issue has been resolved. I now see gree text in a particular font for the first-letter in both floating and non-floating situations. However, I *do* see the bug that peter pointed out...
Target Milestone: M17 → M15
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The wrapping bug was caused by a tiny error in the block code where it would (sometimes) pull up a frame following a line-break onto the same line. The only case it would do is if first-letter style was in effect AND the frame was a line-frame (which means you needed first-line style too...) I found the relevant line of code in the block frame and fixed it to prevent such pull-ups.
Is this fix checked in? Using the Nov 8 daily build (on Windows 98), I still see the floated :first-letter textin the wrong color (black) and font (default font).
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Using 11/16 build the problem still exists regarding the floated first letter. As the reporter stated, it should be inheriting the properties of the first line. Reopening bug. Rick - Is there a new assigned engineer on this one?
Updating to default Layout Assignee...kipp no longer with us :-(
Why are you re-reassing layout bugs? Do NOT touch layout bugs. The bugs are assigned to Kipp so they can stay neatly organized until we have a new owner for the block/inline code.
Summary: Possible problem with combined :first-line and :first-letter selectors → {css1} :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated
Summary: {css1} :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated → {css1} [FLOAT] :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated
Keywords: css1
Migrating from {css1} to css1 keyword. The {css1}, {css2}, {css3} and {css-moz} radars should now be considered deprecated in favour of keywords. I am *really* sorry about the spam...
Summary: {css1} [FLOAT] :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated → [FLOAT] :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated
mine! mine mine mine! all mine! whoo-hoo!
Assignee: kipp → buster
moving all buster m15 bugs to m16.
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
Target Milestone: M16 → M18
redistributing bugs across future milestones, sorry for the spam
Target Milestone: M18 → M19
here's a style context issue for you Marc. Can you verify Peter's assertion that the parentage of the style contexts is incorrect? Kipp at one point thought that issue was resolved, but the bug is still easily reproducable. If the style context parentage is wrong, it should be an easy fix. This isn't a real high priority, though it is a CSS-1 compliance issue. But I'd hate for an easy one to slip through without a little effort. If we can't solve it in less than an hour, I say "future" it.
Assignee: buster → attinasi
Style context parentage looks correct - there is no problem verifying the style tree and that would indicate a parentage problem. The problem of the floated first-letter not getting the style is stille there, as is the problem of the first-lin style wrapping to the second-line on a resize...
Interestingly, the :First-Letter pseudo-class does inherit the color from the BODY, just not from the :first-line pseudo... It looks like the style context for the text frame in the letter frame in the floater list is just plain wrong: it is empty. My guess from a 1-hour investigation is that the creation of the floating placeholder frame causes the pseudo-style to be resolved incorrectly. This jives with other similar problems I have seen where frame construction for floaters is not following the same path as normal frame construction (eg. floated list items do not get bullet frames created). I'll attach a dump of the relevant frame and style context data for later investigation (no time at present).
This bug has been marked "future" because we have determined that it is not critical for netscape 6.0. If you feel this is an error, or if it blocks your work in some way -- please attach your concern to the bug for reconsideration.
Target Milestone: M19 → Future
nsbeta3- and rtm- it if need be, but we claim to support css1. this should make relnotes3/relnotes rtm.
Assignee: attinasi → nobody
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Why was this removed from my bug list and assigned to nobody? If you want to discuss or agrue about the FUTURE status that is fine, but do not just unilatterally change the milestone and do not reassign them. Please indicate why you believe this should not be 'futured' - are there specific real-world cases of floats using :first-letter inheriting from :fist-line that you are concerned about? This still seems like a very esoteric problem to me...
Assignee: nobody → attinasi
Target Milestone: --- → Future
If you have any time, it would be great if you could get to this, to really back our claim of true CSS1 support.
correctness but edge case. Because NS engineering is overburdened, recommend nsbeta3- and relnote.
Keywords: correctness
[nsbeta3-] and removing rtm nomination. relnote. Note that the workaround is to write correct CSS that will explicitly set this up so it works both with the bug (now) and after we've fixed it (future). For relnote, ask for explanation of how to write such CSS.
Keywords: rtmrelnote
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-]
Just a clarification: The relnote isn't 'contact Ian'. ;-) The relnote should be (something slightly more readable than): "Gecko currently does not inherit style from the :first-line pseudo-element to the :first-letter pseudo-element if the :first-letter pseudo-element is floated. To work around this issue, simply give :first-letter all the inheritable properties explicitly. For example, instead of: :first-line { color: blue; } :first-letter { float: left; } ...say: :first-line, :first-letter { color: blue; } :first-letter { float: left; } get a blue first letter."
Severity: normal → minor
Keywords: relnote2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-] → [nsbeta3-] relnote-devel
Nom. nsbeta1. Correctness of CSS1 compliance. Want these pseudo selectors to play nicely together & inherit right.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Netscape's standard compliance QA team reorganised itself once again, so taking remaining non-tables style bugs. Sorry about the spam. I tried to get this done directly at the database level, but apparently that is "not easy because of the shadow db", "plus it screws up the audit trail", so no can do...
QA Contact: chrisd → ian
Blocks: float
cc'ing hyatt as this is possibly related to inheritance code he knows... :-)
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-] relnote-devel → [Hixie-P3] [nsbeta3-] relnote-devel
Blocks: 104166
Whiteboard: [Hixie-P3] [nsbeta3-] relnote-devel → [Hixie-P3] [nsbeta3-][CSS1-2.4] relnote-devel
Whiteboard: [Hixie-P3] [nsbeta3-][CSS1-2.4] relnote-devel → [Hixie-P3] [nsbeta3-][CSS1-2.4][CSS1-5.5.25] relnote-devel
Original problem as reported also confirmed using FizzillaCFM/2002070913. Setting All/All.
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Assignee: attinasi → float
Component: Layout → Layout: Floats
Priority: P3 → --
Summary: [FLOAT] :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated → :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → Future
The URL is 404, if anyone have a copy of the testcase please attach it to this bug. Thanks.
Attached file testcase
Here's a testcase made from the description. I'm not really sure what the correct behavior is, though. :-)
Sorry, the server died. I'm getting a backup of the system next week, and will upload a copy of the original example(s) as soon as possible.
Keywords: testcase
Attached file Original testcase
This is the original testcase (showing behavior for :first-letter with and without a float property). I've checked this against IE 6 and Opera 7.23 -- opera gets this wrong too (worse, actually), while IE gets the inheritance right (but wrong spacing inside the inline box).
Keywords: css2
Summary: :first-letter does not inherit from :first-line when floated → ::first-letter does not inherit from ::first-line when floated
Sorry for the spam, but is this bug still valid ? Because I see the correct behaviour for both testcases with Mozilla 1.8a3 (GNU/Linux)
Hmmm, I just tested this on WinXP: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8a3) Gecko/20040831 Firefox/0.9.1+ And both test cases are still broken... What was your build ID?
(In reply to comment #34) > What was your build ID? Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8a3) Gecko/20040817 Maybe I don't understand the testcases, but in first one, the first letter "T" is green, and in the second one, in both paragraphs the first letter "H" is green, bold and bigger..
That's very strange -- on WinXP the leading letter is red in the first testcase, and in black and times-roman (it should be arial) in the second... I will attach screen captures to show this.... I also confirmed this using today's (1 Sept) trunk build ... It seem very odd that this logic would behave differently on the linux build. Can you test on any other platform?
Note how the leading text is the wrong color: also, somehow, the incorrect formatting (red color) is inherited by text flowed onto the second line!
Incorrectly rendered content: the leading floated letter (H) should be green, and in a sans-serif font.
(In reply to comment #36) > Can you test on any other platform? No sorry, I haven't got other plateforms. I've tested on another computer with linux, and the testcases are still correct with Mozilla1.8a3 :
sorry : the good URL to the screnshoots Just to add, with Mozilla1.8a2 the bug are still here
Weird. I poked about a bit with tinderbox, but couldn't see any obvious checking between 1.8a2 and a3: but then I don't know the code layout that well, so probably just missed it. It is odd it works on LInux and not on WinXP ... HOpefully someone else will pick up on this: all I guess we can do is keep monitoring it.
Attached image IE comparison
Just to poke my head in the bug is still present on camino 2004100608/OS X and firefox 2004100708-trunk/win2k... is everyone on linux WFM? anyone care to verify the last few comments with more recent builds?
Still not fixed in FF 3.0 (hence Gecko 1.9).
Assignee: layout.floats → nobody
QA Contact: ian → layout.floats
Attached file a tweaked testcase. (obsolete) —
I've researched about this issue. Here is the five screen shots from various browsers. Apparently, there is no consensus between we, browser makers... Well, what does the spec say? Anyway, the current blatant behavior of Firefox not inheriting from ::first-line is not desired... I'll dig the codebase to fix this from now.
Attached file a tweaked testcase. v2
I added another screen shot for IE8. Originally, IE8 didn't open xhtml files, so I created a symlink with the html suffix refering to the xhtml file. It seems that IE rendered it in a non-standards-compliant way. I've added the XML declaration and the doctype to the testcase. The rendering behavior vastly differs only in IE with or without the two. Well, I should do that from start.
Attachment #383447 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch a hackSplinter Review
Well, originally by educated guess, I made the attached hack. And it fixed this bug. Yet, running the reftest turned out that it caused regressions of tests added in Bug 395623. By reading the bug report, I realized that there IS the reason in this bug for not being fixed for so many years. At this moment, I'm only aware that reparenting handling is causing this mess. And, the code for it is in the various parts of the codebase, to the extent I'm really not sure where this should be fixed at, moreover, whether I should try to fix this at all.
See Also: → 290125
Update after Servo?
Flags: needinfo?(emilio)
(In reply to Kuba Niewiarowski from comment #48) > Update after Servo? The short answer is no, we kept Gecko behavior for first-letter / first-line :/
Flags: needinfo?(emilio)
Severity: minor → S4

The severity field for this bug is relatively low, S4. However, the bug has 10 votes.
:TYLin, could you consider increasing the bug severity?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(aethanyc)

The last needinfo from me was triggered in error by recent activity on the bug. I'm clearing the needinfo since this is a very old bug and I don't know if it's still relevant.

Flags: needinfo?(aethanyc)

HELLO, can i take over this bug. I am an outreachy applicant. but passionate to work on it . thanks

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