Closed Bug 136447 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

found a page that in Moz is so s l o w...


(Core :: Layout, defect, P2)






(Reporter: psychocybershark, Assigned: attinasi)




(Keywords: perf)

Don't know if this is valid so I'll keep it short. I noticed that this page makes Moz perform sickeningly slowly, while N4.7x is fine. The page features a messed-up cursor and a background image. On Win2k with 2002040608.
Keywords: perf
Blocks: 100951
Slow isn't the word for it. It loads quickly, but scrolling down the page is horribly slow. And then, switching windows away from it was even slower. This on build 2002040903 on Win98SE. Sorry, but I wasn't brave enough to look at the Page Source.
build 2002031104 (0.9.9 milestone) on Win 98 -- it does scroll for me quite herky-jerkily, I noticed there's a background image which could have something to do with it. And as soon as you load the page, a nearly full size pop-window pops up. My guess is there's some other image link that is causing the window-switching slowness -- but yeah, the scrolling performance is pretty poor.
2002040903 Win2k It's entirely caused by the nasty javascript that fires every 30 ms and repaints the message to chase after your mouse cursor. If you turn that off, the page is fine. Older browsers may still see problems because there was a bug with large background images but that's been fixed.
So, this problem isn't a bug in Mozilla, but rather a feature of that particular web site. In that case, this bug report should be closed.
i would say this indeed is a Mozilla bug. MSIE6 let those characters fly in circles if i move the mouse rapidly. No lag at all. It may be a duplicate however - many sites use the same "text-follows-cursor" stunt.
note: this improved a lot after the recent checkin for bug 129953. Still noticably slower than MSIE6, but in build 2002041003 it must be 50 times faster than yesterday.
OK, I'll rephrase my comment. It's not a bug, but a performance problem that needs to be enhanced.
I'd agree with comment 5. This IS a bug with Moz, and NOT just slightly slower performance than usual, although it may be a dup (couldn't find one). It would be nice to get this bug confirmed on non-Windows systems, BTW, so I can change the tag. Changing some tags.
Severity: normal → major
Ever confirmed: true
I see the same poor performance with milestone 0.9.9 on Linux 2.4.
Happening on Linux, too, OS=All
OS: Windows 2000 → All
-> Layout
Assignee: Matti → attinasi
Component: Browser-General → Layout
QA Contact: imajes-qa → petersen
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Status update: This page is still slow on 2002050504 win32 on win2kpro.
The fix for bug 129115 seems to have worked miracles! The "trailing banner" at is now very f a s t Testing on a current CVS build, Linux.
Also very fast with 2002051104, XP.
Adding dependency.
Depends on: 129115
Smoooooth using build 20020908, Windows 2000 Pro.
Normal speed and smooth display on 20020826, Win95 P233MMX (!) This bug looks like its fixed...?
Based on Comment 13 thru Comment 17, I'm going to mark this Fixed. I anyone disagrees, please reopen with your reasons for doing so.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hmmm...the page has been redesigned. The bug may have been fixed (likely), but either way, the new site renders this bug void. v
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