Closed Bug 1365782 Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Ion] MConcat doesn't handle throw correctly


(Core :: JavaScript Engine: JIT, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr52 --- wontfix
firefox54 --- wontfix
firefox55 --- wontfix
firefox56 --- affected


(Reporter: tcampbell, Assigned: tcampbell)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(5 files)

Attached file MConcat_Allocation.js
We currently throw a catchable exception when a concatenation would allocate a very large string. In this example, under Ion, the throw escapes the try block whereas on baseline it is caught as expected.
Blocks: 1365758
In this example, the MConcat is marked as movable, and LICM moves it outside the try block so exception is reported as firing from line 4. The naive fix would be to no longer mark as moveable, but we should measure the performance impact of this.
The second bug this uncovers is that we do not use a resumeAfter in |IonBuilder::binaryArithTryConcat| which causes |x| to have a stale value in the catch block.
Having a movable string concat seems like quite an useful optimization to me. Especially because we don't nursery allocate strings. In general we should be allowed to make this optimization, because internal errors are not specified, but the wrong line number is obviously confusing.
Attached file MConcat_Speculative.js
Ah, good point. This brings up another test case where we have dynamic guards around the concat. The guards would prevent the very large concat from executing. If it gets hoisted, we will throw.
Assignee: nobody → tcampbell
Proposed solution for this is to use ConcatStrings<NoGC> and bailout if it fails. This also solves the problem of a MConcat that might OOM being hoisted from inside an if block that wouldn't execute at runtime.
Comment on attachment 8869287 [details] Bug 1365782 - Bailout from MConcat instead of throwing Makes sense. ::: js/src/jit-test/tests/ion/bug1365782-1.js:11 (Diff revision 1) > + var x = 1; > + Array(1); > + x = 2; > + x = t + t; // May throw if too large > + } catch (e) { > + assertEq(x, 2); Maybe add a global variable var threw = 0; then here we can do threw++ and at the end of the file assertEq(threw, ..) ? ::: js/src/jit-test/tests/ion/dce-with-rinstructions.js:1386 (Diff revision 1) > - rconcat_string(i); > - rconcat_number(i); > + // rconcat_string(i); // Disabled by Bug 1365782 > + // rconcat_number(i); // Disabled by Bug 1365782 This is a bit unfortunate but it's probably ok. We should check if it affects AWFY though. ::: js/src/jit/CodeGenerator.cpp:7451 (Diff revision 1) >; > - masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::Zero, output, output, ool->entry()); > + masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::NonZero, output, output, &done); > > + // If the concat would otherwise throw, we instead return nullptr and use > + // this to signal a bailout. This allows MConcat to be movable. > +>entry()); s/jmp/jump, not sure if all platforms define jmp ::: js/src/jit/VMFunctions.cpp:1794 (Diff revision 1) > JSType type = js::TypeOfObject(obj); > return TypeName(type, *rt->commonNames); > } > > +bool > +ConcatStringsPure(JSContext* cx, JSString* lhs, JSString* rhs, MutableHandleString res) JSString** does not work I suppose? ::: js/src/jit/VMFunctions.cpp:1801 (Diff revision 1) > + // ConcatStrings without GC or throwing. If this fails, we set result to > + // nullptr and let caller do a bailout. Return true to indicate no exception > + // thrown. > + JSString* result = ConcatStrings<NoGC>(cx, lhs, rhs); > + res.set(result); > + return true; Can MOZ_ASSERT(!cx->isExceptionPending()); here.
Attachment #8869287 - Flags: review?(jdemooij) → review+
Marking leave-open until we see AWFY impact.
Keywords: leave-open
Pushed by Bailout from MConcat instead of throwing r=jandem
Closed: 8 years ago
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: --- → FIXED
six-speed-templatestring-es6 is 10x slower by this. Need to reinvestigate. REOPENING.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Looks like this is another no-op benchmark that we were doing well at by DCE-ing the MConcat. Once we mark as setGuard to prevent different exception behavior from baseline, we slow down heavily.
After some discussion with :nbp and :jandem, it seems best to remove the setGuard. The InternalError exception is an artifact of our JString implementation and we shouldn't expect it be thrown if we can otherwise eliminate the operation. This will restore the six-speed perf, while still maintaining exceptions that do occur to appear in the correct location.
Fix AWFY regressions. Allow MConcat to be eliminated if result unused. The MConcat may throw on OOM or JString length overflow. These are both implementation details that are subject to change and shouldn't be expected to throw if we can avoid them. If they do throw, we ensure it happens where the user would expect it, even if the operation was moved by optimizations.
Attachment #8872403 - Flags: review?(jdemooij)
Attachment #8872403 - Flags: review?(jdemooij) → review+
Backed out at Ted's request so it doesn't add extra risk to 55 going into Beta.
Pushed by Backout the backout of changeset 882d55c60444 because of cgc bustage because current bustage is worse than potential future risk a=bustage
Closed: 8 years ago8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla55
Blocks: 1370856
Okay, I looked into the cgc failure. It looks like the failing test case is just too slow for cgc mode and should be added to cgc-jittest-timeouts. Try:
Flags: needinfo?(tcampbell)
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Revert original patch and add test timeout exceptions. This returns us to original code state to avoid risk to upcoming beta55.
Pushed by Backed out changeset 882d55c60444 to avoid adding risk to Beta55. Disable jit-test/parser/bug-1355046.js on cgc for timeouts. r=test-only
Updating tracking. These patches have been reverted and original issue remains. The throw bug involves large strings allocations throwing an OOM where interpreter would otherwise not require an allocation. Marking existing versions as wontfix since there is no external indicators this affects people. Revisit for FF56 and see if there is a more stable fix, or if these implementation detail exceptions are not worth improving.
Target Milestone: mozilla55 → mozilla56
Target Milestone is used to track when a fix lands on m-c in general, so let's leave it un-set for now.
Target Milestone: mozilla56 → ---
Priority: -- → P3
The leave-open keyword is there and there is no activity for 6 months. :tcampbell, maybe it's time to close this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(tcampbell)
This was a mess that in the end was not worth landing. Nothing is "wrong" here, just might throw a catchable OOM sooner than expected. There was never any report of this in the wild.
Closed: 8 years ago6 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(tcampbell)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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