Closed Bug 136814 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

S/MIME has inconsistent behaviour/crashes after deletion of a certificate from cert7.db


(MailNews Core :: Security: S/MIME, defect, P2)

1.0 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: t8m, Assigned: KaiE)



(Keywords: crash, regression)

When you delete a certificate from Other people and then you display signed message from him it shows that it has not valid digital signature (broken pen). There is text "There are unknown problems with this digital signature ...(1028)". It doesn't matter if the message was sent from Mozilla or Outlook. If you then open the "manage certificates->other people" dialog and close it and then you display the message again it is suddenly verified fine and you can display the certificate (if it isn't opaque message from Outlook). But if you once again open the "manage certificates->other people" dialog the certificate isn't shown there. If you close mozilla and run it again and once again open the "manage certificates->other people" dialog the certificate now appears there.
Summary: S/MIME has inconsistent behaviour after deletion of a certificate from other people → S/MIME has inconsistent behaviour after deletion of a certificate from other people
Blocks: 74157
Keywords: nsbeta1
Summary: S/MIME has inconsistent behaviour after deletion of a certificate from other people → S/MIME has inconsistent behaviour after deletion of a certificate from cert7.db
Nominating nsbeta1: 1. Create a new profile and set up mail account settings. 2. Import a dual-use certificate and the CA that signed it 3. Make sure the CA Trust bits are set 4. Set the dual-use cert as the signing and encryption cert in mail settings 5. Import a second dual-use cert with the same DN and privileges from the same CA 6. Delete the second cert just imported into 'Your Certificates' 7. Compose a message to 8. Choose to digitally sign the message 9. Click send 10. You should see a failure message. Shutting down the client and restarting resolves the problem.
Do you see a real world scenario where this sequence of events would happen? How likely is it that a user would import these certs, then delete them right away? Can you specify which certs were issued last? Knowing this (or whether it matters) would help in determining whether many people are going to run into this issue. At the moment I consider an edge case.
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → 2.3
I see this on Windows, I did not see it on Mac (?). The real problem is that in the user certs, deleting a cert does not refresh the display or the cache. The user cert is still displayed and a second attempt to delete it will yield a dialog box without confirmation/cancellation buttons. Deleting certs from the recipient tab works as expected. The display is updated and the cert is no longer present. I agree what I did was not a transparent case. At the time it was the easiest way to reproduce the problem. Now: Import any two certs into your certificates. Delete one of them. Nothing gets refreshed.
This bug is more serious than it first appeared. The tempdb/cert cache is not being refreshed after deletes are occurring. Your certs: Delete a cert - no refresh. Delete it again, crash. Other peoples: Delete a cert, refresh on screen, but S/MIME tweaks. (separate bug - note to self) Say you had a cert for user A already, received a new message from user A with a new cert, new cert gets added, but client still trying to use older preexisting cert during encryption. Authorities: Delete a cert - no refresh. Delete it again, same crash as above. Incident IDs for crashes: 5283131,5275909
Keywords: nsbeta1crash, nsbeta1+
Summary: S/MIME has inconsistent behaviour after deletion of a certificate from cert7.db → S/MIME has inconsistent behaviour/crashes after deletion of a certificate from cert7.db
nominated nsbeta1. Added crash,regression keywords
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1, regression
Depends on: 129067
Please test whether you still see problems, now that bug 129067 is fixed.
This is now fixed. Any other problems will be addressed in new defects.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: PSM → Core
Version: psm2.2 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → MailNews Core
QA Contact: carosendahl → s.mime
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