Closed Bug 1370423 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Title bar appears and disappears in Firefox Developer Edition


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

54 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: deanedridge, Unassigned)



(5 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0
Build ID: 20170529025115

Steps to reproduce:

Using Firefox Developer Edition (54.0b12) MacOS. I went to the hamburger stack on the right and clicked on customize then enabled the title bar. After a while I noticed that it had disappeared. When I go to this page: and hover over the images of the themes the title shows up again. It also shows up when I click on the hamburger stack and go into the customize mode. I decided to install one of the themes and the title bar is now working again.

Actual results:

The title bar disappeared but came back when hovering over the theme images on the addon site. It also appears each time I go into the customize settings area.

Expected results:

The title bar should have stayed in place.
If it helps, I am thinking there's a problem with the theme used for Firefox Developer Edition.
Component: Untriaged → Theme
When you say the title bar "disappeared", was it completely black? (a screenshot might help)

If not, can you check in a clean Firefox profile and/or with add-ons disabled? (Help > Restart with add-ons disabled)
Flags: needinfo?(dean)
With the Compact Dark theme (that ships with and is enabled by default in Firefox Developer Edition) the title appears only when in customizing mode.
Flags: needinfo?(dean)
With Compact Dark theme (default theme for Developer Edition) the title disappears.
With Compact Dark theme (default theme for Developer Edition) the title disappears.
With the Default theme the title appears. Note: This is called the Default theme but it is not the default theme for Firefox Developer Edition.
With Default theme title appears. Note: this is called the default theme but is not the default for the Firefox Developer Edition.
These images I have attached are from Developer Edition running 54.0b14 (64-bit) MacOS which is a fresh install with a fresh new profile.
Sorry, I forgot to restart in safe-mode with addons disabled when I took those images, but I did disable those things now and the title is just the same, not showing up.
OK, great, so then we are aware of this bug - we're just not entirely sure how to fix it at this point. :-(
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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