Closed Bug 1370913 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[Shield] Pref. Experiment is executed when recipe Preference branch type differs from the one set on FF client


(Shield :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: aflorinescu, Unassigned)



1. Obtain a copy of Firefox with the SHIELD recipe client system add-on installed. You can check about:support to ensure that you have it.
2. Set the extensions.shield-recipe-client.dev_mode preference to true to run recipes immediately on startup.
3. Set the extensions.shield-recipe-client.logging.level preference to 0 to enable more logging.
4. Set the security.content.signature.root_hash preference to DB:74:CE:58:E4:F9:D0:9E:E0:42:36:BE:6C:C5:C4:F6:6A:E7:74:7D:C0:21:42:7A:03:BC:2F:57:0C:8B:9B:90.
5. Set the preference value for extensions.shield-recipe-client.api_url set to

1. Create and enable an pref. experiment type recipe.
2. Pick a FF pref. that is defaulted in FF client and set it in Preference branch type as user_set.
2. Open FF and set preconditions.
3. Restart the FF client.

[Actual Result:]
The preference experiment is ran and the preference value is set as the branch slug required.

[Expected Result:]
The preference experiment shouldn't been ran since the Preference branch type from the recipe differs from the value on the FF client.
The Actual Result here is what we expect to happen; mismatching preference "branch" types should not stop an experiment from running.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
As a clarification: The branch type is the branch that the new value of the pref will be written to. It isn't an assertion about the previous state of the preferences.
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