Open Bug 1372504 Opened 7 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Bookmark keyword is reset every time the bookmark location is changed


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.46 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: psychonaut, Unassigned)


Editing the "Location" field of a bookmark causes the "Keyword" field to be erased once the bookmark is saved.  This means that it is impossible to assign a bookmark keyword when a bookmark is first created.  (A keyword can be subsequently applied by editing the bookmark and entering the keyword, as long as the "Location" field is not changed.)  It also means that bookmark keywords must be tediously re-entered every time the bookmark location is changed.

Reproducibility: Always

Steps to reproduce for new bookmarks:
1. Open the bookmarks sidebar.
2. Right-click on a folder and select "New Bookmark…".  A "New Bookmark" dialog appears.
3. Enter something in the "Location" and "Keyword" fields.
4. Press "Add".  The "New Bookmark" dialog closes.
5. Right-click on the new bookmark and select "Properties".  A "Properties" dialog appears.

Observed behaviour:
6. The "Keyword" field is empty.

Expected behaviour:
6. The "Keyword" field should contain the value set in step #3.

Steps to reproduce for existing bookmarks:
1. Open the bookmarks sidebar.
2. Right-click on a bookmark that has a keyword assigned and select "Properties".  A "Properties" dialog appears.
3. Change the value of the "Location" field.
4. Press "Save".
5. Right-click on the same bookmark and select "Properties".  A "Properties" dialog appears.

Observed behaviour:
6. The "Keyword" field is empty.

Expected behaviour:
6. The "Keyword" field should contain its former value.

I am using Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0 SeaMonkey/2.46.
I should also note that, after the keyword disappears, it continues to work, albeit with the old value of the Location field.
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