Open Bug 1373447 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Options (about:preferences) search doesn't find hidden items


(Firefox :: Settings UI, defect, P5)





(Reporter: Mark12547, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [photon-preference])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Build ID: 20170615030208

Steps to reproduce:

In Firefox 56.0a1 (2017-06-15) (64-bit) on Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-bit):

Click on menu -> options. On the Options (about:preferences) screen, in the search box, key in "process" (sans quotes).

Actual results:

The Startup section is displayed; the "process" in "Enable multi-process Nightly" is highlighted.

The Performance section is NOT displayed.

Expected results:

The Startup section is displayed; the "process" in "Enable multi-process Nightly" is highlighted.

The Performance section should (or would be nice to be) displayed, with "process" in "Content process limit" highlighted.

Note: if "Use recommended performance setting" is UNchecked, the search works as expected.

Reason for request:

With the changing of the Options menu and the new Performance section, one may know to search on "content process" or just "process" but not find it, not realizing that it is hidden under "Performance".

Second artifact: if "Use recommended performance setting" is UNchecked and one searches for "Content process" (sans quotes), the setting is NOT highlighted, but "content process" in the brief description below it is. Expected behavior would be for the setting line to also have highlighting.

Thank you!
Component: Untriaged → Preferences
Summary: Options (about:references) search doesn't find hidden items → Options (about:preferences) search doesn't find hidden items
I can confirm I see this when searching for "process" in 56.0b5 (64-bit) 
But the second artifact you mentioned (when searching "content process") works properly (highlights also the setting)
Priority: -- → P3
Ever confirmed: true
Evan / Ricky, can one of you investigate this?
Flags: needinfo?(rchien)
Flags: needinfo?(evan)
Whiteboard: [photon-preference][triage]
Our current search algorithm will stop searching all these hidden elements in order to prevent confusion. There are other hidden elements won't be highlighted properly like this, we should figure out a better way to improve highlight algorithm.
Flags: needinfo?(rchien)
Thanks for reporting this issue. We're going to triage and prioritizing this issue today.
Flags: needinfo?(evan)
Priority: P3 → P5
Whiteboard: [photon-preference][triage] → [photon-preference]
Version: 56 Branch → unspecified
Severity: normal → S3
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