Open Bug 1374788 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Add cookieStoreId property to HistoryItem


(WebExtensions :: General, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: ntim, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: feature, Whiteboard: [design-decision-approved])

It would be nice to know which container was used with a specific history item.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Keywords: feature
Priority: -- → P5
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed]
Hi Tim, this has been added to the agenda for the December 19, 2017 WebExtensions APIs triage meeting. Would you be able to join us? 

Here's a quick overview of what to expect at the triage: 

* We normally spend 5 minutes per bug
* The more information in the bug, the better
* The goal of the triage is to give a general thumbs up or thumbs down on a proposal; we won't be going deep into implementation details

Relevant Links: 

* Wiki for the meeting:
* Meeting agenda:
* Vision doc for WebExtensions:
Policy Review Comments (

This request does not appear to run counter to any of the WebExtension policies. By enhancing container support, it appears to be in-line with the following:

I. Containers directly support the Mozilla Mission via "individuals can shape their own experience".
III. One of the most missed features, when Chrome users come over to Firefox, is the ability to easily switch between profiles. Improving container support can address this hole.

Still need input on drawbacks (V) and alternatives (VI).
1. use cases.  Nice to have is not enough to make a decision on.
2. Is it already in history (making it easy to just expose), or would it have to be changed at a lower level?
Can you answer my issues in comment 3, then also you probably need to actually talk with someone who works on Places and be sure this would be something supported long term in history.
Flags: needinfo?(ntim.bugs)
For now, this design-decision is deferred.
> Is it already in history (making it easy to just expose), or would it have to be changed at a lower level?

This is not in the places database. This will depend on Bug 1283320

There are many use-cases for this bug but yeah... it's not a simple change due to it's dependency.
Blocks: 1283320
This bug description isn't super detailed, so perhaps this has already been thought of, but: containers are conceptually associated with _visits_, not with _history_. A given URL might have been visited in multiple containers.

That makes the singular bug title — "Add cookieStoreId property…" — a bit inaccurate, and if someone starts trying to design this before the data layer has been implemented, it would be worth bearing that in mind.

There's more related discussion in Bug 1283320.

(I flipped the dependency relationship for that bug to indicate what I think you mean, :jkt.)
No longer blocks: 1283320
Depends on: 1283320
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed] → [design-decision-needed] [needs-follow-up]
I don't have a concrete use-case for it, I just think it's a nice little addition to the current APIs.

If this isn't easily feasible according to the places folks, I'm fine with [design-decision-denied].
Flags: needinfo?(ntim.bugs)
Product: Toolkit → WebExtensions
Based on comments, it seems this would be a reasonable feature, but can't be implemented until the dependent bug is landed.
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed] [needs-follow-up] → [design-decision-approved]
Severity: normal → S3
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