Closed Bug 13754 Opened 25 years ago Closed

Need Lead Browser Engineer for Start-UP


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bill, Assigned: bugzilla)




Job Description: As the team lead for development of a new browser, you will adapt the Mozilla code base into an in-house, open framework. Your team will strive to integrate as many aspects of Mozilla functionality as possible. Additionally, engineers must write cross-platform-aware code, work comfortably in a C++ component-oriented environment. Requirements: This position requires you have a BS/MSCS or equivalent with: 4+ years commercial C++ development experience 2+ years excellent commercial C++ application design skills are a must, with application/GUI design experience Experience with Mozilla code-base or other browser development experience required. 3D experience required as well as experience in successful shipping products. Bill Kurtz Muse Communications 650-532-1111
Status: RESOLVED → VERIFIED Bugzilla is NOT a job recruiting tool. This is a bug database for net community engineers to document problems and fix. I am closing out this bug. Bill, please do not do this again. Thanks!
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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