Closed Bug 13798 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[BLOCKER] [PP] Can't access IMAP - system freezes


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P1)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pmock, Assigned: Bienvenu)



Build Date & Platform Bug Found:
 MacOS seamonkey build 1999-09-08-08-m11 build installed on G3/400 MacOS 8.5.1

Overview Description:
 After the 9/8 builds, configuring for IMAP freezes application.  I select the
Inbox and the application stops responding.  Î must force quit to close the
application.  In the 9/8 and prior builds, I can successfully access my IMAP

I have tried to migrate vs. manually set my prefs; the results are the same

Steps to Reproduce:
0) Delete your old profile and mozilla registry file
1) Start Apprunner
   The new profile wizard appears
2) Click on the next button
3) Enter in a profile name or choose the default "mozprofile" and press next
4) Click on the Finish button
   Seamonkey browser should open
5) Exit seamonkey
6) Copy an existing Nova Mail, News, IMAPMail folders and Netscape Preference
file to your new profile.
7) Delete the prefs.js file that the profile manager created
8) Rename your 'Netscape Preference' file to prefs.js
9) Lanuch Apprunner
10) Open Messenger
11) Double click on the server icon to expose Inbox
12) Click on the IMAP Inbox folder
    Applications stops responding.

Actual Results:
 After openning the Messenger. When I click on the Inbox, the application stops

Expected Results:
 When I select the Inbox or click on the Get Msg button, the password prompt
should appear and allow me to access my IMAP folders.

Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On:
 On the Win32 1999-09-13-10 and Linux 1999-09-13-08 builds, this problem does not

 I tried today MacOS 1999-09-14-09 build.  The problem still occurs.

Additional Information:
 Running apprunner -installer does work.  Related bug 13733.
 I have tried different scenarios such as
   a) starting from stratch with no mozilla registry
   b) starting from a working profile then moving to the recent build.
I tried enabling IMAP logging.  The resulting log file was blank.

 I did not log this bug eariler b/c I was busy running smoketests which require

 I am having problem configuring news too.  I will log a separate bug on this
Depends on: 13043
I believe this is related to bug 13043.
I doubt this is related to 13043, since 13043 seems to be fixed (from empirical
evidence, if not bugsplat bug status), and this bug is not. Why do you think its
related, Jeff?
Reading an empty file causes the system to hang. I am assuming that setting up
new imap may require to set up empty files. I am not sure that bug 13043 has
been fixed. I haven't tried that yet.
No longer depends on: 13043
David, you are right again. It has nothing to do with 13043. Sorry worng
Assignee: bienvenu → jefft
Jeff, can you look at this today for a little bit? My Mac is all set up to
reproduce this problem, but I can't get breakpoints to work. I was trying to
break in nsImapMailFolder::CreateClientSubfolderInfo(). We seem to be running
out of memory in nsFileSpec, called by the above routine. If you can't look at
it today, assign it back to me and I'll look at it on Thursday.
Yes, I'll look into it.
Jean-Francois has fixed the file spec problem in nsPref.cpp. I can now select
the imap server and get all the existing folder built into the folder pane.
However clicking on the first imap folder hangs the sysytem. You didn't get the
password prompt.
the is that we never exit the loop
into nsImapProtocol::CreateNewLineFromSocket(). While looping,
nsImapProtocol::OnDataAvailable is never called.

If I put a printf("looping\n") right after the SECOND do, imap will works some
time. It's seems we have some threading problems here! changing the timeout
value of the PR_Wait doesn't solve the problem. David,Jeff, any idea?
Assignee: jefft → bienvenu
David, I don't have much time left for today. Back to school night. I think this
definitely has something to do with NECKO. OnDataAvailable() never gets call to
release the m_dataAvailableMonitor. Back to you for tommorrow. I have your tree
pull and build this afternoon.
thanks very much, both Jeffs! I'll try to look into it tomorrow.
David, let me know if you need my help on this problem...
JF, this works for me on my mac build from this morning. Does it work for you?
My theory on this bug was it was the same problem bienvenu checked in a fix for
last night involving when we actually run another url coming out of
ProcessCurrentUrl. If it works today, that would certainly explain it. My mac
build should be done within the next 30 min and I'll try it too.
I am still building too...
the latest info we have is that if you turn remember password on, everything
works. If you turn it off, you crash because of the editor/gfx problem.
I was using remember password on yesterday during my debugging. Therefore the
password dialog crash should not affect this imap bug.
I hope that means it's fixed. I think it does.
Using user_pref("mail.server.server1.remember_password", true); to save
password, I can access IMAP mail using the commercial and mozilla optimized
build.  It looks like it fixed.  I have work around so I can continue my

As Jeff said, the password dialog crash is a different bug.  This looks fixed.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Excellent. Thanks, guys. Marking fixed.
WAIT, the problem isn't fixed for me, my Mac with a tree from today at noon still hang. Sometime it hang when I
click on a IMAP folder, sometime I can see the messages headers but I hang when I try to display the message. This
bug seems to be very sensitive to the timeming.

Peter, try to do more test and if possible on several Mac (fast and slow).
Ok Jeff.  I will update this bug as soon as I try a few slower Mac.  This will
takes alittle time...on some slow machine :`(
and maybe faster. My Mac has a G3 at 300Mhz
Paul, can you try IMAP on your super fast G3/450. Thanks
QA Contact: lchiang → pmock
I tried IMAP on 4 different macintoshes.  I was able to successful access my
IMAP folders.  The machine that I tested on were:
 -G3/400 128 MB ram - MacOS 8.5.1
 -G3/400 128 MB ram - MacOS 8.6
 -PPC 8500/180 65 MB ram - Mac OS 8.5.1
 -PPC 7500/100 32 MB ram - Mac OS 8.5.1

Migration is still broken and I have to set the user pref to save my password
but I can still configure for IMAP mail.

The build you have is newer than my optimized build from this morning.  Maybe it
broke again?
At this time the Mac build is dead so I cannot help much.  Even when the Mac
building is running my Mac is only 400MHz same as the one Peter is testing on.
I've just installed a Netscape optimized build from this morning. I start messeger directly from the finder (as the
browser is dead this morning) and IMAP still frezze on my Mac!
if the browser's dead, I'm not surprised that imap's dead too. It could be for
the same reason.
I think it's just your mac!! =) J/K....seriously I still haven't been able to
reproduce the problem on my mac since bienvenu checked in the
ProcessCurrentUrl changes the other day.
Please have respect for my Mac. It's the best, not an iMac with funny colors, a real MAC.
So, what is the latest on this?  JFD - do you still have problems?  I can't
really mark this verified as fixed if you are still have the same problems as
reported.  Thanks.
Yes, I am still not able to use IMAP on my Mac and doesn't have any clue yet! I will delete all my msf file and try
After deleting all my msf files, I don't pass anymore the folder discovery stage, I just get one INBOX folder. Then, if
I click on this INBOX folder, I freeze!
David B - do you want to reopen this bug for what JFD is seeing or do you want a
new bug filed?
No, don't reopen this bug. Also, I'd like someone else to see the problem...
David & Jeff,

On sundays mac seamonkey build 1999-09-19-08-m11, I can not access IMAP.  I
tried on two G3/400.  the application freezes when I select the inbox.  I have
remember password turned on.
Using 19990920 on my mac -G3/400 128 MB ram - MacOS 8.5.1 - I can't get my IMAP
account to work either.  Like ducarroz, "I don't pass anymore the folder
discovery stage, I just get one INBOX folder. Then, if I click on this INBOX
folder, I freeze!"  I also have Remember password on.
Summary: [PP] Can't access IMAP since Sept 1999-09-08-08-m11 build → [PP] Can't access IMAP - system freezes
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Re-openning bug.  In today Mac seamonkey builds 1999-09-20-08-m11 and respin
build 1999-09-20-12-m11 builds, I can not access IMAP again.  I am saving the

David, if you want me to open a new bug -please let me know.  /Peter
Blocks: 11091
Severity: critical → blocker
Priority: P3 → P1
Summary: [PP] Can't access IMAP - system freezes → [BLOCKER] [PP] Can't access IMAP - system freezes
I have to make this a blocker.
*** Bug 14389 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
sigh. I didn't change anything from the time this worked to the time it stopped
working. Unless someone with a clue on the mac helps, I'm afraid we're going to
be blocked for a very long time.
bienvenu and I figured out a solution. I'll be checking in a fix as soon as the
tree opens tonight.

We noticed that while we were processing a OnStopRequest event sitting in the
imap thread's event queue, we would turn around and call another method which
essentially blocked until a particular message (WaitForFECompletion) was
processed on the imap event queue. Of course, we aren't able to continue to pump
events because the OnStopRequest that is still on the stack is the result of
pumping an event and it is blocked waiting for WaitForFECompletion to return. So
we can't pump more events until it returns. Hence the deadlock type situation.

It is still unclear why we saw this only on the Mac. The problem should have
been there for Windows and Linux too.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I checked in the fix David and I worked out tonight.
Verified as fixed using the Mac seamonkey build 1999-09-21-15-m11 build.

Thank you everyone involved in fixing this bug :)
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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