Closed Bug 1388777 Opened 7 years ago Closed 1 month ago

Array.prototype.toLocaleString should use a locale-aware separator


(Core :: JavaScript: Internationalization API, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox55 --- affected
firefox56 --- affected
firefox57 --- affected


(Reporter: silv3rwind, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0
Build ID: 20170803105720

Steps to reproduce:

On a Windows machine and a german locale with default regional settings set, run this in the browser console:


Actual results:

Output is ','

Expected results:

Output should be ';'

The spec [1] says "the list-separator String appropriate for the host environment’s current locale", and this value is a setting in the Windows regional options (see attached screenshot). The implementation of using this value should be similiar to how Number.prototype.toLocaleString already works for the locale-aware decimal point formatting.

Also to mention: Chrome exhibits the same bug. IE11 and presumably Edge return '; ' on the tested system, which is closes to the expected ';'.

Chromium bug for reference:
(In reply to silv3rwind from comment #0)
> The spec [1] says "the list-separator String appropriate for the host
> environment’s current locale", and this value is a setting in the Windows
> regional options (see attached screenshot).

The sensible choice would be to use a separator string based on the locale-argument resp. the default locale if no explicit locale argument was provided. That way |[1.1, 2.2, 3.3].toLocaleString("en")| would return |"1.1,2.2,3.3"|, and |[1.1, 2.2, 3.3].toLocaleString("de")| would return |"1,1;2,2;3,3"|. Maybe will help to get this right in the spec.

Intl.ListFromatter spec proposal aims to add the correct behavior for localized list formatting.
Isn't the intention of the .toLocaleString to format in the user's current locale when no argument is given? It's how Number.prototype.toLocalString works, and I think the Array variant should work the same. 

To shed some light on my use case: I'm trying to find the separator to generate a CSV file for Excel which expects ';' separators when running under a german locale. Right now I've found a workaround using Number.prototype.toLocalString to detect the user's decimal separator, but it's not really ideal as it isn't aware of separators other than ',' and ';' [1].

> Isn't the intention of the .toLocaleString to format in the user's current locale when no argument is given? It's how Number.prototype.toLocalString works, and I think the Array variant should work the same. 

No. Number.prototype.toLocaleString is specified in ECMA262 as dummy no-op, and then as part of Intl.NumberFormat ECMA402 spec as a fully functional localized formatter.

The same has to happen with Intl.ListFormat and Array.prototype.toLocaleString.

> To shed some light on my use case: I'm trying to find the separator to generate a CSV file for Excel which expects ';' separators when running under a german locale.

If I were trying to solve that, I'd probably extract the bits from for all locales into a single json and use that.

Probably, listPattern-type-unit['middle].

It'll be interesting to see how this will pan out in Intl.ListFormat because the default proposed formatter would get you a human readable list. If this will stay true for Array.prototype.toLocaleString then by default you'll get:

["Anna", "Mary", "Joe"].toLocaleString(); // "Anna, Mary and Joe"

and you'll need to specify "style: unit" option to get "Anna, Mary, Joe"
Severity: normal → S3
Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
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