Closed Bug 139226 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Impossible to restart the browser with quick launch and more than one profile activated


(Core Graveyard :: QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode), defect)

Windows ME
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gabriele_fava, Assigned: law)


I have this problem since 0.9.9:
If I install more than one profile and activate quick launch, than at the second
start of the browser (that is, closing all windows and re-launching the
program), I can't get ahead of the window that let me to select the profile.
There is no crash, simply it doesn't work.
This is not only with more than one profile
With build 2002051508 on Windows 2000
The priority of this one should be MAJOR not normal. A major feature of Mozilla
is broken. Read on ...

I turn on my computer. I run Mozilla with quick launch enabled. It works fine. I
close the mozilla browser window. I then try to run the mozilla executable via a
shortcut. I get a dialog box up asking me to select a profile to run with.
Default is the only one defined at this time. If I select default I am told that
it is in use. I don't want any other profiles I just want to run the browser. I
close the dialog box. I exit the quick launch. I rerun the execuatable via the
shortcut and mozilla starts up ok.

This is a MAJOR hassle and totally defeats the purpose of quick launch. Mozilla
is so slow to start up the first time and this makes it painful to use. Previous
version of quick launch worked perfectly.
using build 2002051608
ProfileManager comes up with each launch whether from shortcut or systray icon.
I am able to launch however with that profile- I do avoid splash screen but not 
profile manager
may be related to bug 76431- checking
Ever confirmed: true
Grace, are you saying this should be wfm?  Gabriele & Matthew, can you provide
Grace with details on how she can reproduce this?
I am now using build 2002051908 and this faulty behaviour has disappeared. Quick
laund now just fires the browser up directly - you don't see a profile dialog
box anymore. As long as this was done on purpose I would say that you could
close this bug.

By the way, I don't where that profile dialog box even came from because I can't
find a way to even see it now? Was profiles some kind of feature or something?
How do you access them now?
If you have more than one profile, the Profile Manager should appear, with few
exceptions, on any inital launch of the browser.  In particular, it should never
pick a profile for you.
I'm sure that the new turbo mode introduced by the checkin for bug 98673 has 
fixed this as well.  Therefore closing out as fixed.  Please re-open if I'm 
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified on Mozilla trunk build 2002052809
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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