Bug 139505
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
RC1 hangs updating cached images on Solaris 8
(Core :: Graphics: ImageLib, defect)
of bug 118846
(Reporter: aaron, Assigned: pavlov)
This happens on many web sites since at least 0.9.7, but it seems easiest to
reproduce on the Yahoo Finance message boards. Just pick on a message and hit
"prev" and "next" a lot, and eventually Mozilla will hang. pstack reports the
following traceback:
fe919884 poll (ffbebde0, 1, ffffffff)
fe8cc968 select (8, 0, fe93b1dc, fe93b1dc, ffbebe98, ffbebde0) + 2cc
fe7cb470 select (7, 1, ffbebe98, 80, 4000, fe91bd70) + 34
fea9ba10 _XRead (ffffffff, ffbec044, 20, 20, ba650, 20) + ec
fea9c98c _XReply (ba650, 4fb8, ffffffff, 0, 4fb8, ba650) + 124
feacfb04 _XSmeAllocateHeapBuffer (1, 1, 5a1c, fe48c32c, ba650, fe480000) + c0
fea9dfd4 _XSend (0, 330c, 5a1c, fe480000, fe489020, 0) + f4
fea9f170 PutSubImage (1, 20, 0, 12c, 0, 0) + 23c
fea9eef0 XPutImage (ba650, 12c, 1, 66a780, 0, 0) + 3ac
fd7849cc UpdateCachedImage__10nsImageGTK (33de48, 12c, 81c, ff, fd7aa754, 0) +
fd784ef8 Draw__10nsImageGTKR19nsIRenderingContextPviiiiiiii (fa, 12c, 6b5a70, 0
, 0, 12c) + 9c
ff359a44 DrawImage__22nsRenderingContextImplP13imgIContainerPC6nsRectPC7nsPoint
(66d248, ffbec428, ffbec588, ffbec598, ffbec5b0, 6d941c) + 28c
fd78d3f8 DrawImage__21nsRenderingContextGTKP13imgIContainerPC6nsRectPC7nsPoint
(66d248, 690bb0, ffbec588, ffbec598, fd78d3e0, 12c0) + 18
fcc12304 Paint__12nsImageFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextRC6nsRect1
7nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a9b8, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbec640, 2, 0) + 46c
fcbf714c PaintChild__16nsContainerFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextR
C6nsRectP8nsIFrame17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a768, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbec7f8, 72a9b
8, 2) + 10c
fcbf7020 PaintChildren__16nsContainerFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingConte
xtRC6nsRect17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a768, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbec7f8, 2, 0) + 38
fcc08b9c Paint__20nsHTMLContainerFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextRC
6nsRect17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a768, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbec7f8, 2, 0) + 2bc
fcbf714c PaintChild__16nsContainerFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextR
C6nsRectP8nsIFrame17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a4b0, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbec9b0, 72a76
8, 2) + 10c
fcbefd00 PaintChildren__12nsBlockFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextRC
6nsRect17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a4b0, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbec9b0, 2, 0) + a8
fcbefaf8 Paint__12nsBlockFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextRC6nsRect1
7nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a4b0, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbec9b0, 2, 0) + 270
fcbf714c PaintChild__16nsContainerFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextR
C6nsRectP8nsIFrame17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a454, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbecb68, 72a4b
0, 2) + 10c
fcbf7020 PaintChildren__16nsContainerFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingConte
xtRC6nsRect17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a454, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbecb68, 2, 0) + 38
fccaefc0 Paint__16nsTableCellFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextRC6nsR
ect17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a454, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbecb68, 2, 0) + 2e4
fccc7d00 PaintChildren__15nsTableRowFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContex
tRC6nsRect17nsFramePaintLayerUi (72a454, 6e8d10, 66d248, ffbecc90, 2, 0) + 11c
fccc7b70 Paint__15nsTableRowFrameP14nsIPresContextR19nsIRenderingContextRC6nsRe
Comment 1•23 years ago
Assignee: morse → pavlov
Component: Image Management → ImageLib
QA Contact: tever → tpreston
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•23 years ago
this is a dup of 118846
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 118846 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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