Closed Bug 1395913 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Regression: Scrolling is broken when the number of location bar results exceed the maximum display height


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect, P1)

56 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox56 - ---


(Reporter: dqeswn, Unassigned)



[Tracking Requested - why for this release]:

This is a regression in v56, in v55 it's fine.

1. Increase browser.urlbar.maxRichResults to something high like 50 or so.
2. Type something in the urlbar with many results.
3. Observe that results go right down to the bottom bottom of the screen. And probably past it since the last item might be partly visible
4. Observe that the bottom bar of the results with the one off searches and related items is missing.

It looks like no screen or any height limit is respected anymore.
We don't support anymore a scrollbar in the results pane.
The panel just adapts its size to the number of results specified.

Considered the performance implications of showing many results and the telemetry showing how after the 6th result the number of selection is almost zero, we don't plan to change this atm.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
(In reply to Marco Bonardo [::mak] from comment #1)
> We don't support anymore a scrollbar in the results pane.
> The panel just adapts its size to the number of results specified.
> Considered the performance implications of showing many results and the
> telemetry showing how after the 6th result the number of selection is almost
> zero, we don't plan to change this atm.

But this essentially breaks the browser.urlbar.maxRichResults setting.
That setting is intended to increase or reduce the number of results by a reasonable amount, not by any amount.
Per comment #1, mark 56 won't fix.
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