Closed Bug 1407574 Opened 7 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Firefox allows you to insert confirm/alert/prompt dialog in any domain with the back button


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P2)

55 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- fixed


(Reporter: jm.acuna73, Unassigned)



(Keywords: csectype-spoof, reporter-external, sec-moderate, Whiteboard: [fixed by bug 836567])


(4 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36 Steps to reproduce: 1- go to: 2- click the "test" button 3- click the back button of the browser 4- an alert appears on the current page Some observations: - the url changes to the "about: blank" format but does not change the behavior of the current page - it is not possible to interact with the elements of the page (links, buttons, etc.) - I believe that the content of the page should be changed (blank page?) to avoid fraudulent use - Tested on Firefox 56.0 (64-bit) - Firefox Nightly 58.0a1 and Firefox Developer Edition 57.0b7 return: SecurityError - Permission denied to access property "document" on cross-origin object
We changed the behavior of data: urls in Firefox 57 -- they are no longer same origin (behavior matches other browsers now). That's probably the source of the security error. try your testcase with <iframe srcdoc=> instead perhaps?
Flags: needinfo?(jm.acuna73)
Flags: needinfo?(dveditz)
It's great that it's changed in version 57 The problem I see in version 56.0 does not have its origin src or srcdoc: - in the example I used src with data:text/html format to paint a button but could have skipped it and execute onload on the iframe. For example: <iframe onload="t=this;t.contentDocument.body.innerHTML+='<s'+'cript>setTimeout(function(){parent.location=\'\';},0);</s'+'cript>';location='javascript:try{parent.document.body.innerHTML=t.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML}catch(e){document.title=\'Google Play\';var p = prompt(\'password?\');alert(p);'}"></iframe> I think the problem is that when you click the back button, an exception occurs because the variable t is not defined and in the catch force the message.
Flags: needinfo?(jm.acuna73)
In this case, I execute the script in the onload of the iframe: Tested on Firefox 56.0.1 (64-bit), Firefox Nightly 58.0a1 and Firefox Developer Edition 57.0b7
Another aspect that I consider relevant: - with the example of yahoo mail, the notifications dialog is maintained making the identity of the domain more confusing.
I had considered that this bug was not critical because the url expressly shows the protocol "about:blank" In any case, I wanted to go deeper and other scenarios of much confusion can be produced. Imagine that you want to access a web page and the browser directs you to an unsafe website (legitimate page displayed by Firefox). Then, press the Back button to be safe and a message appears on the screen that can deceive the user. 1- access to 2- click on the link 3- press the "Go Back" button that appears in blue on the screen (tested in the latest versions of firefox)
In addition, the response request can be modified by a request without content (204) so that a redirection does not occur. In the previous example, we replace with
As well, from another page you can access the document with window opener property and modify its behavior. I modify the title of the page and its favicon and I add an iframe whose source is another web with an alert. Example: Attached video
I do not understand why no priority is set for this bug
(In reply to Jose María Acuña from comment #7) > I had considered that this bug was not critical because the url expressly > shows the protocol "about:blank" > In any case, I wanted to go deeper and other scenarios of much confusion can > be produced. > > Imagine that you want to access a web page and the browser directs you to an > unsafe website (legitimate page displayed by Firefox). > Then, press the Back button to be safe and a message appears on the screen > that can deceive the user. > > 1- access to > 2- click on the link > 3- press the "Go Back" button that appears in blue on the screen > > (tested in the latest versions of firefox) NOTE: The tests described from comment number 7 are part of a different bug because I think it is a different case. The new bug:
So AFAICT the issue is that we're showing an alert that's embedded in inline script in a frame on a history navigation. Fixing this seems like it should involve not loading the iframe until its parent has loaded and been displayed, or something. I can't reproduce the icon/title changes, only the alert - so perhaps an initial fix could be blocking alerts on history navigations like this, but that feels a bit like a stopgap and not addressing the core issue, though maybe I misunderstand what that is. In any case, this feels like a gecko issue to me. It seems we got rid of Core::Untriaged, so dumping in Core::DocNav for now, but chances are this wants to live somewhere else. Attempting to radar this to some people on platform...
Group: firefox-core-security → core-security
Component: Untriaged → Document Navigation
Flags: needinfo?(continuation)
Product: Firefox → Core
See Also: → 1415553
Olli, do you have any ideas here?
Group: core-security → dom-core-security
Flags: needinfo?(continuation) → needinfo?(bugs)
It's worth noting that we're also modifying the behavior of javascript: URI in bug 836567, so the iframe's URL in history entries will no longer be a javascript: URI, but the previous active document's URL (likely about:blank for these examples).
Something new?
I think this will be fixed by bug 836567, and I'm currently working on that. We can revisit this bug after bug 836567 gets fixed.
Depends on: 836567
Priority: -- → P2
The web server is out of use. Now the test pages are hosted at Example:
The testcase in comment 19 doesn't show any spoofing in Nightly. What build are you seeing the problem on?
Flags: needinfo?(jm.acuna73)
Flags: needinfo?(dveditz)
Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
The bug is reproducible in: 1- Firefox Nightly 64.0a1 (2018-10-15) (64-bit) for Windows 10 2- Firefox Quantum 62.0.3 (64-bit) for Windows 10 (1) (2)
Flags: needinfo?(jm.acuna73)
Flags: sec-bounty?

At this time, the bug is not reproducible in:

1- Firefox Nightly 68.0a1 (2019-03-27) (64-bit) for Windows 10
2- Firefox Quantum 66.0.1 (64-bit) for Windows 10


(In reply to Jose María Acuña from comment #22)

At this time, the bug is not reproducible in:

1- Firefox Nightly 68.0a1 (2019-03-27) (64-bit) for Windows 10
2- Firefox Quantum 66.0.1 (64-bit) for Windows 10


I can still reproduce if I hit the back button repeatedly (and after doing that once, it reproduces with just hitting the back button once, when the yahoo mail page loads). Maybe something changed wrt caching or something, but this doesn't seem fully fixed.

(In reply to :Gijs (he/him) from comment #23)

(In reply to Jose María Acuña from comment #22)

At this time, the bug is not reproducible in:

1- Firefox Nightly 68.0a1 (2019-03-27) (64-bit) for Windows 10
2- Firefox Quantum 66.0.1 (64-bit) for Windows 10


I can still reproduce if I hit the back button repeatedly (and after doing that once, it reproduces with just hitting the back button once, when the yahoo mail page loads). Maybe something changed wrt caching or something, but this doesn't seem fully fixed.

I have tried pressing the Back button several times and the javascript alert does not appear
Video attachment:

(In reply to Jose María Acuña from comment #24)

I have tried pressing the Back button several times and the javascript alert does not appear
Video attachment:

Perhaps the difference is that I'm not signed into yahoo mail?

No, it does not reproduce in any case.
I've tried other pages and the bug does not play either.

(In reply to Jose María Acuña from comment #21)

The bug is reproducible in:

1- Firefox Nightly 64.0a1 (2018-10-15) (64-bit) for Windows 10
2- Firefox Quantum 62.0.3 (64-bit) for Windows 10


I just did the test in the latest version of Firefox Developer Edition for Windows 10 (with and without authentication in the Yahoo mail service) and the bug is not reproducible either.

3- Firefox Developer Edition 67.0b6 (64-bit) for Windows 10


In summary,

this bug it does not reproduce in:

1- Firefox Nightly 68.0a1 (2019-03-27) (64-bit) for Windows 10

2- Firefox Quantum 66.0.1 (64-bit) for Windows 10

3- Firefox Developer Edition 67.0b6 (64-bit) for Windows 10

What's new?

(In reply to Jose María Acuña from comment #29)

What's new?

I can still reproduce on current beta (69), so I think the bug is still valid.

I can reproduce (eventually, lots of back clicking) in nightly 70.0a1 as well. Easily reproduced on ESR-60 with a single click. Not a very normal action people would take though. When it does work, though, it's disturbing that the prompt script is running on top of the wrong domain.

Flags: sec-bounty? → sec-bounty+

Hi! How are you?

It's been 12 months since I received a reward for this bug.

Currently does not reproduce in any version of Firefox.
Do you plan to fixed it and assign a cve?

Thank you. Regards.

sorry for insisting, but can this issue be made public?

(In reply to Jose María Acuña from comment #33)

sorry for insisting, but can this issue be made public?

The understanding from the last few comments is that this isn't fixed yet. If the issue is not fixed, I don't understand why we should open up the ticket.

Trying very quickly, I don't see an issue with alerts, but the address bar's identity block is confused, showing a document icon and claiming that is "stored on [my] computer".

Johann, can you take a look?

Flags: needinfo?(jhofmann)

I have no idea what fixed the original bug. It's reproducible in older builds but definitely not in newer builds. I tried to get the fix range from mozregression but the behavior is super weird to the point where I stopped investigating (e.g. no matter which revision I would run the bug would reproduce only if it was the very first build mozregression started). It definitely stops some time in the 70s.

The local file icon thing seems to be a regression from bug 1570678. I'm not sure if it makes sense to transform this bug here or open up a new one and block it against bug 1570678. I can take a closer look at that, whenever I get to it :)

Please note that in the near future, when we re-enable browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction and fix the dependencies of bug 1645211, the user will not be able to navigate back to the page because it didn't have user interaction before forwarding. We should probably still fix the local file icon bug.

Flags: needinfo?(jhofmann)

Having just re-checked, I can now reproduce a change in reproducability between 65 and 66 with mozregression on my Windows machine. That narrows down to this window:

which noticeably includes bug 1270059, which would change the timing of when we run setTimeout events. If that accidentally "fixed" this issue on some machines, then it is likely that a modified testcase would still work / have worked, given that AFAICT you could move all the setTimeout calls to happen after pageload of the JS URL.

On my mac, I can still reproduce on later releases. Going to see what fixed it there.

OK, on my mac, this was fixed when bug 836567 was fixed, in Firefox 74, which makes a lot more sense.

Tom, based on that, can we open this up?

Closed: 4 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(tom)
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [fixed by bug 836567]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla74
Group: dom-core-security
Flags: needinfo?(tom)
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