Closed Bug 1409526 Opened 7 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Investigate whether an alias for webkitSpeechRecognition is needed for webcompat.


(Core :: Web Speech, enhancement)

Not set



Webcompat Priority ?
Tracking Status
firefox58 --- affected
firefox59 --- ?


(Reporter: wisniewskit, Assigned: gerard-majax)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


There is the usual risk that sites and services have come to rely on SpeechRecognition in its webkit-prefixed form, webkitSpeechRecognition (for instance, Google currently only checks for webkitSpeechRecognition in order to enable their tier-1 "translate" infocards on Google Search).

Once SpeechRecognition is implemented in Firefox, we should investigate whether Firefox and the Compatibility Standards need the webkit-prefixed alias as well.
Flags: webcompat?
Blocks: 1456885
Depends on: 1474124

See bug 1547409. Moving webcompat whiteboard tags to project flags.

Webcompat Priority: --- → ?
Assignee: nobody → lissyx+mozillians

So, I could expose on as well as on, but the front page does not seems to trigger webkitSpeechRecognition checks the same way, I can't find anything in the debugger / source code / JS console. Would you have any idea where to pick up to fix that ?

Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)

(it seems that UA spoofing does work in this case).

Yes, it unfortunately seems they only serve the scripts using webkitSpeechRecognition when a Chrome UA is detected. I suspect that we would have to reach out to Google to have it use webkitSpeechRecognition as well in Firefox (at which point maybe we could ask them to just enable the non-prefixed version instead, with a simple feature-detect).

(In reply to Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] from comment #5)

Yes, it unfortunately seems they only serve the scripts using webkitSpeechRecognition when a Chrome UA is detected. I suspect that we would have to reach out to Google to have it use webkitSpeechRecognition as well in Firefox (at which point maybe we could ask them to just enable the non-prefixed version instead, with a simple feature-detect).

How can we make sure this is actually the case ? On and on, exposing the webkitSpeechRecognition (along with a few others) is enough. I would have expected more consistency accross their products, but maybe I am missing something ?

It must be the case, because there is no script with a reference to webkitSpeechRecognition being loaded, unless I change my user-agent. I can certainly check whether it's a server-side sniff or client-side sniff, but I don't think that will help us much as either way Google will still have to make a change on their end.

(In reply to Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] from comment #7)

It must be the case, because there is no script with a reference to webkitSpeechRecognition being loaded, unless I change my user-agent. I can certainly check whether it's a server-side sniff or client-side sniff, but I don't think that will help us much as either way Google will still have to make a change on their end.

Well, if that's true, I agree, we're still dependant on them. Still strange to see the speech capability would not be consistent accross all their products. I just want to make sure it's not a missing bit on my exposure of SpeechRecognition as webkitSpeechRecognition :)

Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)

Still strange to see the speech capability would not be consistent accross all their products

Agreed, that's the kind of question the webcompat team often ask ourselves when diagnosing these sorts of issues with Google properties (though it makes sense since they have different divisions working on these products, so there may not be a mandate for every prefixed API use).

I just want to make sure it's not a missing bit on my exposure of SpeechRecognition as webkitSpeechRecognition :)

Good thinking, but I also don't see any reference to the unprefixed SpeechRecognition API either :)

(In reply to Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] from comment #9)

Still strange to see the speech capability would not be consistent accross all their products

Agreed, that's the kind of question the webcompat team often ask ourselves when diagnosing these sorts of issues with Google properties (though it makes sense since they have different divisions working on these products, so there may not be a mandate for every prefixed API use).

I just want to make sure it's not a missing bit on my exposure of SpeechRecognition as webkitSpeechRecognition :)

Good thinking, but I also don't see any reference to the unprefixed SpeechRecognition API either :)

Investigating a little bit more, I see that with user-agent set to Chrome, I do get the mic icon in the search field, but clicking does nothing. Logging enabled and setting up a breakpoint with gdb shows that:

[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition created SpeechRecognition
[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition Transitioned to state STATE_IDLE
[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition void mozilla::dom::SpeechRecognition::SetContinuous(bool, mozilla::ErrorResult &) aArg=0
[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition void mozilla::dom::SpeechRecognition::SetInterimResults(bool) aArg=1
[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition void mozilla::dom::SpeechRecognition::SetLang(const nsAString &)
[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition void mozilla::dom::SpeechRecognition::SetMaxAlternatives(uint32_t) aArg=4
[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition void mozilla::dom::SpeechRecognition::Abort()
[Child 24038: Main Thread]: D/SpeechRecognition Processing EVENT_ABORT, current state is STATE_IDLE

I could confirm, with gdb, that it is from JS that .abort() is called. Given the state of the source-code, it's hard for me to know more so far.

Do you think that sharing a build with this enabled, you could help me identify what is the issue here?

Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski)

Yes, I can help test it. Would there be a patch I could apply myself? If not feel free to link me to a build (macos or linux 64bit if possible)

Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski)

(In reply to Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] from comment #11)

Yes, I can help test it. Would there be a patch I could apply myself? If not feel free to link me to a build (macos or linux 64bit if possible)

Yes, both are possible. I'll email you the details, there are some more steps required though :)

Alexandre LISSY :gerard-majax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dear Developer, Expert kind man, save me)))))))))))) I have the same problem and so torment me The above person wrote he appears and disappears immediately .... ((((HELP ME PLEASE INCLUDE THIS VOICE MEMBER IN THE GOOGLE SEARCHER).

This is from Firefox support, they gave me a link to your website and this flash! Only You can help me !!!!! Why did the browser developers not provide this microphone so that it could work? After all, there are people whom it does not go around!


Here is a video recorded: this with an extension that changes the user agent

(In reply to dan.tara2012 from comment #14)

This is from Firefox support, they gave me a link to your website and this flash! Only You can help me !!!!! Why did the browser developers not provide this microphone so that it could work? After all, there are people whom it does not go around!

I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about. What Firefox Support ? What are you searching for ?

Dear Alexandre LISSY! I’ve got a problem with my browser ... I’m not working on Google’s video search engine, I’m not getting a microphone (((((And YES THIS WROTE IN SUPPORT to Firefox! They gave this site and this topic, which is being discussed here microphone! Above, a person described the same problem as mine (((

I just do not know English and I am writing to you through a translator. There is no microphone in the YouTube video скрин

(In reply to dan.tara2012 from comment #19)

Dear Alexandre LISSY! I’ve got a problem with my browser ... I’m not working on Google’s video search engine, I’m not getting a microphone (((((And YES THIS WROTE IN SUPPORT to Firefox! They gave this site and this topic, which is being discussed here microphone! Above, a person described the same problem as mine (((

Yes, well, that's known and that's the purpose of this bug: Firefox does not yet have that feature. Sending multiple comments is not going to make it work faster.

Alexandre LISSY! Sorry, I’m writing a lot of messages (((I’m glad you understand what this obishka is about !!! And in the future Firefox will this function work? You have very great knowledge in this oblosti and we all will know !!!! This are the developers already considering the error? Can you fix it if it’s not difficult for you and you have time for it? Thank you very much for answering (I’m already aware of these settings and microphones ((

(In reply to dan.tara2012 from comment #22)

Alexandre LISSY! Sorry, I’m writing a lot of messages (((I’m glad you understand what this obishka is about !!! And in the future Firefox will this function work? You have very great knowledge in this oblosti and we all will know !!!! This are the developers already considering the error? Can you fix it if it’s not difficult for you and you have time for it? Thank you very much for answering (I’m already aware of these settings and microphones ((

As you can see between this bug, and work is progressing.

Alexandre LISSY! For the information provided, but for me it is like a night in a dark forest ..... I didn’t understand. use it yes? It is you who owns such knowledge, I am an ordinary self-taught guy)The translator does not translate half and does not enter the words ... ((Do you know Russian? Is this patch already ready or will it already be in the new version of Firefox?Sorry that maybe you do not understand much what I am writing to you (((

(In reply to dan.tara2012 from comment #24)

Alexandre LISSY! For the information provided, but for me it is like a night in a dark forest ..... I didn’t understand. use it yes? It is you who owns such knowledge, I am an ordinary self-taught guy)The translator does not translate half and does not enter the words ... ((Do you know Russian? Is this patch already ready or will it already be in the new version of Firefox?Sorry that maybe you do not understand much what I am writing to you (((

No, I don't speak russian, but the translation is good enough for me to get how much you want this. But again, sorry, we are working on it, but I can't make any promise when this will be available.

Dear Alexandre LISSY!))) Here I am translating your speech with me clearly and as I am writing to you and then translating that I wrote a complete horror (((Well, I understand you, I won’t distract you from your work and work !!! Very I will wait for this update a lot))))) I really want this so that every browser has such an opportunity (there are people without hands, many people with disabilities) Thank you very much that you are doing such a great job and you are such smart people !!!! But you can still release a new version of Firefox so that the translator is already included ??? Why is its developers about I turned it on and added lines, the parameters were in about: config. I turned it on and it still doesn’t translate the pages, writes the translations and doesn’t translate anything ((((It’s possible that the browser already has a built-in translator) I ask you !!!!!! After all, even the links that You gave out had to be translated by another translator !!!Here is the site where I set it up, but still this translator does not work ((( html Here's how the fox used to translate everything without problems, and the developers cut all this out of the fox ((((((((((

(In reply to dan.tara2012 from comment #26)

Dear Alexandre LISSY!))) Here I am translating your speech with me clearly and as I am writing to you and then translating that I wrote a complete horror (((Well, I understand you, I won’t distract you from your work and work !!! Very I will wait for this update a lot))))) I really want this so that every browser has such an opportunity (there are people without hands, many people with disabilities) Thank you very much that you are doing such a great job and you are such smart people !!!! But you can still release a new version of Firefox so that the translator is already included ??? Why is its developers about I turned it on and added lines, the parameters were in about: config. I turned it on and it still doesn’t translate the pages, writes the translations and doesn’t translate anything ((((It’s possible that the browser already has a built-in translator) I ask you !!!!!! After all, even the links that You gave out had to be translated by another translator !!!Here is the site where I set it up, but still this translator does not work ((( html Here's how the fox used to translate everything without problems, and the developers cut all this out of the fox ((((((((((

We can't release anything because it's not finished.

I understand you Dear developer !!!!! I will wait for your work to come out)))))

We are going to land this with support to webkit* very soon here

So I suggest we mark it as resolved as soon we do it.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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