Closed Bug 1420739 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

whitelist for outgoing connections in Windows Firewall


(Firefox :: Installer, defect)

57 Branch
Windows 10
Not set





(Reporter: wmark, Unassigned)


It appears Firefox is no longer being white-listed in Windows Firewall for outgoing connections. 0. Set the default policy for outgoing connections to "blocked" (white-list mode) in the Windows [Defender] Firewall. 1. Install Firefox 57. 2. Firefox is not able to request any remote resources. No popup regarding any post-installation white-listing appears, neither by Windows nor displayed by Firefox or its installer. The average user doesn't know the cause nor what to change for relief. Actual result: - No rules have been added to the Windows Firewall, for outgoing connections and Firefox related programs. Expected result: - Add Windows Firewall white-list entries. I suggest adding another page in the installer with the option "white-list in Windows Firewall" checked by default, and then adding those entries no matter what policy the firewall is in.
We create firewall rules to allow inbound connections on private networks, we just don't do anything for outbound. This is how most installers for Windows applications behave, including those that need outbound networking to perform core functions. Considering how rare it is for the Windows firewall to be configured as deny-by-default for outbound connections, I don't think this option is something that we need to be carrying in our installer.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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