Bug 1421418
Opened 7 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
Too fast network requests not displayed in developer tools
(DevTools :: Netmonitor, defect, P4)
(Not tracked)
of bug 1000540
(Reporter: 5i13ghzt462u, Unassigned)
(3 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0
Build ID: 20171113102334
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a minimal HTML file.
2. Open it locally.
3. F12 -> Network.
4. Click on "Reload".
(Files to be attached)
Actual results:
You'll still see no requests.
(BTW, AFAIK, in Firefox < 57 it always worked, at least if you first open the network pan el, and then reload.)
Expected results:
You should see each request from the beginning (200) up to the end.
Using a local file it is just very obvious, but I also see this with other pages. E.g. internal about:newtab or so. If you are lucky you'll see some of the last requests, but no more.
Same could happen with websites.
Firefox is just too fast here. ;)
Also reproducible with Firefox 58 (DevEdition).
Updated•7 years ago
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools: Netmonitor
Comment 3•7 years ago
Can you reproduce the issue when testing with Firefox 59?
Flags: needinfo?(c4609174)
Priority: -- → P4
Yes, with Firefox Nightly 59.a (or so, flatpak version) it is reproducible.
Flags: needinfo?(c4609174)
Comment 5•7 years ago
Ah, are you saying that you are loading the file using file: protocol?
This isn't supported (not even in Firefox 36).
Yes. So what exactly is not supported for them? Dev tools/network panel?
But seriously, debugging tools are not supported when the file is loaded via file:? What the heck… for easy development tasks that is the first/easiest thing one does, so this is certainly not far fetched or so.
So take it as a feature request if that is really not supported yet.
Comment 7•7 years ago
(In reply to rugk from comment #6)
> Yes. So what exactly is not supported for them? Dev tools/network panel?
> But seriously, debugging tools are not supported when the file is loaded via
> file:? What the heck… for easy development tasks that is the first/easiest
> thing one does, so this is certainly not far fetched or so.
> So take it as a feature request if that is really not supported yet.
Yes, we want to have this feature and it's already reported as bug 1000540
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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