Closed Bug 1425879 Opened 7 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Intermittent toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js | Uncaught exception - Wait for warning to show - timed out after 50 tries.


(Toolkit :: Password Manager, defect, P2)




Tracking Status
firefox88 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: florian)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure)


(1 file)

This bug is failing frequently, it has more than 80 failures since it was opened, 2 days ago. Most of the failures are on the OS X 10.10 and a few of them on Linux x64. The most affected build is debug, but there are a few on asan and opt. An example of a recent log file: And a relevant part of the log: 07:25:21 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 07:25:14 07:25:21 INFO - Entering test bound common_initialize 07:25:21 INFO - Leaving test bound common_initialize 07:25:21 INFO - Entering test bound test_clickInsecureFieldWarning 07:25:21 INFO - TEST-PASS | toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js | Got popup - 07:25:21 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Password fields present in a form with an insecure (http://) form action. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen." {file: "" line: 0 column: 0 source: "0"}] 07:25:21 INFO - content window focused 07:25:21 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 07:25:15 07:25:21 INFO - TEST-PASS | toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js | autocomplete shown - 07:25:21 INFO - TEST-PASS | toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js | Got warning richlistitem - 07:25:21 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm" line: 174}] 07:25:21 INFO - Buffered messages finished 07:25:21 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js | Uncaught exception - Wait for warning to show - timed out after 50 tries. 07:25:21 INFO - Leaving test bound test_clickInsecureFieldWarning 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 4387MB | residentFast 357MB | heapAllocated 90MB 07:25:21 INFO - TEST-OK | toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js | took 6847ms 07:25:21 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged 07:25:21 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js | Found an unexpected tab at the end of test run: - 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | ++DOCSHELL 0x11ceb5800 == 2 [pid = 2184] [id = {d7711b69-7362-ac4a-bcb5-d5a2264ff57f}] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (0x10fb7f200) [pid = 2184] [serial = 3] [outer = 0x0] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | [Child 2183, Main Thread] WARNING: SendNotifyIMEFocus got rejected.: file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 846 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | ++DOMWINDOW == 4 (0x11cec7400) [pid = 2184] [serial = 4] [outer = 0x10fb7f200] 07:25:21 INFO - checking window state 07:25:21 INFO - TEST-START | toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_capture_doorhanger.js 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | ++DOCSHELL 0x1233bd000 == 3 [pid = 2182] [id = {b3b5912e-26e3-be42-9cab-6345bdf97ede}] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | ++DOMWINDOW == 5 (0x1161805e0) [pid = 2182] [serial = 5] [outer = 0x0] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | ++DOMWINDOW == 6 (0x1233cdc00) [pid = 2182] [serial = 6] [outer = 0x1161805e0] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | [Child 2182, Main Thread] WARNING: site security information will not be persisted: file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/security/manager/ssl/nsSiteSecurityService.cpp, line 554 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | [Parent 2179, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80070057: file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/netwerk/base/nsChannelClassifier.cpp, line 344 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | ++DOMWINDOW == 7 (0x1233d7400) [pid = 2182] [serial = 7] [outer = 0x1161805e0] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | --DOMWINDOW == 6 (0x11bb4fc00) [pid = 2181] [serial = 2] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | --DOMWINDOW == 5 (0x1107d4c00) [pid = 2181] [serial = 6] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 07:25:21 INFO - GECKO(2179) | console.warn: LoginRecipes: getRecipes: falling back to a synchronous message for: :MattN As you are the triage owner of this component, could you please take a look at this? Thank you!
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo)
Whiteboard: [stockwell needswork]
Nobody has touched this test recently, the only recent change that could affect this is bug 1410364 but that was q few weeks earlier. Dolske, please advise on how to prioritize this pwmgr bug. JohannH and Sean Lee are others who could work on this.
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo) → needinfo?(dolske)
Priority: P5 → P1 strongly suggests this started with bug 1406585. (Note browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js ran in bc1 in earlier pushes, then moved to bc4.)
Blocks: 1406585
Flags: needinfo?(selee)
Pushed by Disable browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js on linux and osx, for ongoing intermittent failures; r=me, a=test-only
Keywords: leave-open
Whiteboard: [stockwell disable-recommended] → [stockwell disabled]
Flags: needinfo?(selee)
Declaring new-year needinfo bankruptcy.
Flags: needinfo?(dolske)
Priority: P1 → P2
Blocks: 1596165
Pushed by browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js should not rely on the implicit initial 100ms timer from waitForCondition, r=sfoster.
Closed: 4 years ago
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [stockwell disabled]
Assignee: nobody → florian
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