Open Bug 1430029 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

While saving a file with "Save Page As..." the name doesn't automatically change from ".<filename>" to "<file name>"


(Toolkit :: Downloads API, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox57 --- affected
firefox58 --- affected
firefox59 --- affected


(Reporter: obotisan, Unassigned)


[Affected versions]: - Latest Nightly 59.0a1 - beta 59.ob15 - Firefox 57.0.4 [Affected platforms]: - Window 10 x64 - Ubuntu 16.04 x64 [Steps to reproduce]: 1. Open 2. Right-click -> Save Page As... 3. In the pop-up rename the file ".test". [Expected result]: - The file is saved as "test". [Actual result]: - [Windows] The name is saved as ".test" - [Ubuntu] The file is saved as ".test" and it's a hidden file. [Regression range]: - I don't this is a regression, because this behaviour is reproducible even on older versions of Nightly from 2012-11-09. I think this might have been a problem since the option of "Save Page As..." was introduced.
Priority: -- → P3

Why does the file should be saved as "test" when I name it ".test"? (eg. if I want it to be hidden)

It was a follow-up for bug 1402279, more exactly to the comment 26 from bug 1402279.

Severity: normal → S3
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