Closed Bug 144154 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[RFE] Close Tab Behavior Should Be Customizable Via a Pref with UI


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mrmazda, Assigned: mpt)


Continuation of bug 105722 and bug 131037, each of which was wontfixed for semantic reasons, not on the merits of the requested behavioral change(s). Based upon discussion there and elsewhere, the tabbed brower function should have a choice of behaviors, corresponding to the following proposed UI pref options: ( ) After closing a tab, focus the left most tab ( ) After closing a tab, focus the right most tab ( ) After closing a tab, focus the tab to the left of the closed tab ( ) After closing a tab, focus the most recently focused tab (o) After closing a tab, focus the tab from which closed tab was originally spawned
Suggested *2-line* pref UI to save space... +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | When closing a tab, do the following: | | _______________________________________________________________ | | [ focus the most recently focused tab |\/| | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | |focus the most recently focused tab | | <- default +-|focus the tab from which closed tab was originally opened |--+ |focus the tab to the left of the closed tab | |focus the tab to the right of the closed tab | |focus the left most tab | |focus the right most tab | +--------------------------------------------------------------+
Bug 131037 was not wontfixed for `semantic reasons', it was wontfixed because it was a stupid idea, and this bug is an exact duplicate of it. Do not do that again. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 131037 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Many agree that it is desirable. No one has explained why it is "stupid".
VERIFIED DUPLICATE (the bug I suggested you file was not for a pref, it was for a change to the only behaviour. What is the behaviour you want, always? Or do you really think you would be changing this pref on a regular basis?)
I would be alternating between the last two proposed: ( ) After closing a tab, focus the most recently focused tab (o) After closing a tab, focus the tab from which closed tab was originally spawned
Component: User Interface Design → Browser-General
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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