Open Bug 1447305 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Each time about:studies is opened an "enabling Shield" message in browser console (logging.level = 0)


(Firefox :: Normandy Client, defect, P5)




Tracking Status
firefox59 --- unaffected
firefox60 --- affected
firefox61 --- affected


(Reporter: aflorinescu, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


[Affected Versions:]
60.0b4 20180315232954
61.0a1 20180319220116
Not reproducible on 59.0b11 20180219114835

[Affected Plaftorms:]
OSX 10.12, Windows 7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.04

1. Open Firefox and set app.normandy.logging.level to 0
2. Open about:studies.
3. Refresh or open another about:studies.

[Actual Result:]
For each about:studies opened or on each refresh, a new log line is logged:
"1521554801248	app.normandy.recipe-runner	DEBUG	Enabling Shield"

[Expected Result:]
Since it is visible under the 0 log level, not sure if it's really a bug since I'm not sure what the above logged line signifies.
This is some extra logging I added for debugging while adding the notice that shield studies are disabled to about:studies, in bug 1435838. It isn't great that it logs every time instead of only when the state of Normandy changes from disabled to enabled. I don't think its a bug though.

I also don't think this is a regression, since it is extra logging and not actually a change in behavior.
Severity: normal → minor
Keywords: regression
Priority: -- → P5
Severity: minor → S4
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