Closed Bug 1447318 Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

make code python 3 compatible


(Release Engineering Graveyard :: Applications: Balrog (backend), enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bhearsum, Assigned: asilva)



Make sure we're not using any python3 reserved words, no print statements, use python 3 exceptions/classes, etc.
Blocks: 1447319
Running pylint or flake8 is probably a good way to get started looking for issues here. Eg: ➜ balrog git:(master) flake8 auslib/ auslib/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2] ^
Assignee: nobody → collins.abitekaniza
Collins, are you still planning to take a look at this soon? If not, can we re-assign to Allan?
Flags: needinfo?(collins.abitekaniza)
I think I will let go of this, Going to be a bit busy for the next coming days.
Flags: needinfo?(collins.abitekaniza)
Assignee: collins.abitekaniza → nobody
Assignee: nobody → allan.tavares
This merged to production yesterday. The code is now Python 3 compatible (with CI verifying that) - so we should be ready to talk about upgrading production at any point now. Thank you for all of your work here, Allan!
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
We did a first prod push today, retaining py2 for admin/web. At some point in the near future we can work with CloudOps to spin up a canary in prod using py3 for the web component. Looks like we'll need to figure out how to generate a docker image for that first.
Product: Release Engineering → Release Engineering Graveyard
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