Closed Bug 1447549 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Asssertion failure on start up with browser.startup.blankWindow=true on Windows debug builds


(Firefox :: General, defect)

59 Branch
Not set



Firefox 61
Tracking Status
firefox61 --- fixed


(Reporter: xidorn, Assigned: florian)




(1 file)

When checking whether bug 1446264 breaks browser.startup.blankWindow per request from florian in bug 1446264 comment 26, I found it consistently crashes w/ or w/o patches there with the following stack: Assertion failure: !aOther.IsNull() (Cannot compute with aOther null value), at \obj-firefox\dist\include\mozilla/TimeStamp.h:495 #01: mozilla::SystemTimeConverter<unsigned long>::IsTimeNewerThanTimestamp (\widget\systemtimeconverter.h:210) #02: mozilla::SystemTimeConverter<unsigned long>::GetTimeStampFromSystemTime<mozilla::CurrentWindowsTimeGetter> (\widget\systemtimeconverter.h:101) #03: nsWindow::GetMessageTimeStamp (\widget\windows\nswindow.cpp:6497) #04: nsWindow::CurrentMessageWidgetEventTime (\widget\windows\nswindow.cpp:4183) #05: nsWindow::InitEvent (\widget\windows\nswindow.cpp:4175) #06: nsWindow::ProcessMessage (\widget\windows\nswindow.cpp:5983) #07: nsWindow::WindowProcInternal (\widget\windows\nswindow.cpp:5043) #08: CallWindowProcCrashProtected (\xpcom\base\nscrashonexception.cpp:32) #09: nsWindow::WindowProc (\widget\windows\nswindow.cpp:4996) #10: CallWindowProcW[C:\WINDOWS\System32\user32.dll +0xb85d] #11: CallWindowProcW[C:\WINDOWS\System32\user32.dll +0xb54c] #12: GetTopWindow[C:\WINDOWS\System32\user32.dll +0x219c3] #13: KiUserCallbackDispatcher[C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll +0xa3b54] #14: NtUserShowWindow[C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll +0x1b64] #15: nsWindow::SetSizeMode (\widget\windows\nswindow.cpp:2124) #16: nsXULWindow::LoadMiscPersistentAttributesFromXUL (\xpfe\appshell\nsxulwindow.cpp:1397) #17: nsXULWindow::SizeShell (\xpfe\appshell\nsxulwindow.cpp:2364) #18: nsXULWindow::OnChromeLoaded (\xpfe\appshell\nsxulwindow.cpp:1127) #19: nsWebShellWindow::OnStateChange (\xpfe\appshell\nswebshellwindow.cpp:661) #20: nsDocLoader::DoFireOnStateChange (\uriloader\base\nsdocloader.cpp:1315) #21: nsDocLoader::doStopDocumentLoad (\uriloader\base\nsdocloader.cpp:869) #22: nsDocLoader::DocLoaderIsEmpty (\uriloader\base\nsdocloader.cpp:749) #23: nsDocLoader::OnStopRequest (\uriloader\base\nsdocloader.cpp:633) #24: mozilla::net::nsLoadGroup::RemoveRequest (\netwerk\base\nsloadgroup.cpp:629) #25: mozilla::net::nsLoadGroup::Cancel (\netwerk\base\nsloadgroup.cpp:261) #26: nsDocLoader::Stop (\uriloader\base\nsdocloader.cpp:246) #27: nsDocShell::Stop (\docshell\base\nsdocshell.cpp:5211) #28: nsGlobalWindowOuter::StopOuter (\dom\base\nsglobalwindowouter.cpp:5029) #29: nsGlobalWindowInner::Stop (\dom\base\nsglobalwindowinner.cpp:3724) #30: mozilla::dom::WindowBinding::stop (\obj-firefox\dom\bindings\windowbinding.cpp:1833) #31: mozilla::dom::WindowBinding::genericMethod (\obj-firefox\dom\bindings\windowbinding.cpp:16070) #32: js::CallJSNative (\js\src\vm\jscontext-inl.h:290) #33: js::InternalCallOrConstruct (\js\src\vm\interpreter.cpp:467) #34: js::Call (\js\src\vm\interpreter.cpp:535) #35: js::ForwardingProxyHandler::call (\js\src\proxy\wrapper.cpp:176) #36: js::CrossCompartmentWrapper::call (\js\src\proxy\crosscompartmentwrapper.cpp:358) #37: js::proxy_Call (\js\src\proxy\proxy.cpp:769) #38: js::CallJSNative (\js\src\vm\jscontext-inl.h:290) #39: js::InternalCallOrConstruct (\js\src\vm\interpreter.cpp:449) #40: Interpret (\js\src\vm\interpreter.cpp:3085) #41: js::RunScript (\js\src\vm\interpreter.cpp:417) #42: js::ExecuteKernel (\js\src\vm\interpreter.cpp:703) #43: ExecuteInExtensibleLexicalEnvironment (\js\src\builtin\eval.cpp:460) #44: js::ExecuteInJSMEnvironment (\js\src\builtin\eval.cpp:546) #45: js::ExecuteInJSMEnvironment (\js\src\builtin\eval.cpp:504) #46: mozJSComponentLoader::ObjectForLocation (\js\xpconnect\loader\mozjscomponentloader.cpp:925) #47: mozJSComponentLoader::LoadModule (\js\xpconnect\loader\mozjscomponentloader.cpp:444) #48: nsComponentManagerImpl::KnownModule::Load (\xpcom\components\nscomponentmanager.cpp:751) #49: nsFactoryEntry::GetFactory (\xpcom\components\nscomponentmanager.cpp:1782) #50: nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstanceByContractID (\xpcom\components\nscomponentmanager.cpp:1080) #51: nsComponentManagerImpl::GetServiceByContractID (\xpcom\components\nscomponentmanager.cpp:1443) #52: nsGetServiceByContractIDWithError::operator() (\xpcom\components\nscomponentmanagerutils.cpp:293) #53: nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_gs_contractid_with_error (\xpcom\base\nscomptr.cpp:106) #54: nsAppStartupNotifier::Observe (\toolkit\xre\nsappstartupnotifier.cpp:60) #55: XREMain::XRE_mainRun (\toolkit\xre\nsapprunner.cpp:4597) #56: XREMain::XRE_main (\toolkit\xre\nsapprunner.cpp:4911) #57: XRE_main (\toolkit\xre\nsapprunner.cpp:5003) #58: do_main (\browser\app\nsbrowserapp.cpp:232) #59: NS_internal_main (\browser\app\nsbrowserapp.cpp:306) #60: wmain (\toolkit\xre\nswindowswmain.cpp:132) #61: __scrt_common_main_seh (f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:283) #62: BaseThreadInitThunk[C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL +0x11fe4] #63: RtlUserThreadStart[C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll +0x6efc1]
This is a local debug build on Windows, fwiw.
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
So the problem here is that ::GetMessageTime returns 0 (I don't see any explanation for this in the MSDN documentation) for the WM_ACTIVATE message when browser.startup.blankWindow is true. This patch simply works around it.
Attachment #8961008 - Flags: review?(jmathies)
Assignee: nobody → florian
Blocks: 1447719
Comment on attachment 8961008 [details] [diff] [review] patch Review of attachment 8961008 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- BTW, this early window looks really bad on Win7.
Attachment #8961008 - Flags: review?(jmathies) → review+
(In reply to Jim Mathies [:jimm] from comment #3) > Review of attachment 8961008 [details] [diff] [review]: Thanks for the review! > BTW, this early window looks really bad on Win7. What looks bad about it on Win7?
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
(In reply to Florian Quèze [:florian] from comment #4) > (In reply to Jim Mathies [:jimm] from comment #3) > > Review of attachment 8961008 [details] [diff] [review]: > > Thanks for the review! > > > BTW, this early window looks really bad on Win7. > > What looks bad about it on Win7? The window displays without glass set up, so the whole window is black for about a second, then it reflows, glass margins get set and chrome paints.
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
(In reply to Jim Mathies [:jimm] from comment #5) > (In reply to Florian Quèze [:florian] from comment #4) > > (In reply to Jim Mathies [:jimm] from comment #3) > > > Review of attachment 8961008 [details] [diff] [review]: > > > > Thanks for the review! > > > > > BTW, this early window looks really bad on Win7. > > > > What looks bad about it on Win7? > > The window displays without glass set up, so the whole window is black for > about a second, then it reflows, glass margins get set and chrome paints. I can't reproduce this. With the default Windows 7 theme I see the whole window being blank (white or light gray, can't say for sure) for a little while before the browser UI appears. With the Windows 7 basic or Windows Classic themes, I only get the borders painted, the rest of the window is transparent until the browser UI appears. This doesn't look great, but is probably still better than no feedback that the browser is starting. So there's a missing step to reproduce the blank window issue. I wonder if it could be that this displays random GPU memory, so with a freshly booted system it's blank, but if you used your machine for a while there's something else.
Pushed by avoid crashing windows debug builds at startup when ::GetMessageTime returns 0, r=jimm.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 61
Summary: Start up crashes with browser.startup.blankWindow=true → Asssertion failure on start up with browser.startup.blankWindow=true on Windows debug builds
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