Closed Bug 1447935 Opened 7 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Bypasses found for Firefox Tracking Protection


(Toolkit :: Safe Browsing, defect, P3)

56 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox80 --- fixed


(Reporter: gertjan.franken, Assigned: dimi)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: sec-other, Whiteboard: tp-leak [adv-main80-])


(3 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36 Steps to reproduce: We simulated an extensive set of web mechanisms that initiate cross-site requests to a blacklisted domain, while Firefox Tracking Protection’s strict blocking was enabled. Unfortunately, FTP did not manage to block all cross-site requests to the blacklisted domain. What follows is a list of web mechanisms that were able to bypass this countermeasure. * AppCache API (caching a resource located on a blacklisted domain) * Response headers (referring to the blacklisted domain) - Link rel=next - Link rel=prefetch * HTML tags (referring to blacklisted domain) - <link rel="shortcut icon" href=“…”> - <link rel="apple-touch-icon image_src" href=“…”> * EventSource API (referring to blacklisted domain) * WebSocket API (opening a new web socket for the blacklisted domain) * Fetch API, importScripts() used by ServiceWorker (referring to blacklisted domain) Actual results: The cross-site requests to the blacklisted domain were not blocked. Expected results: The cross-site requests to the blacklisted domain should have been blocked.
Component: Untriaged → Tracking Protection
(In reply to gertjan.franken from comment #0) > * AppCache API (caching a resource located on a blacklisted domain) Tracked in bug 1262339. > * Response headers (referring to the blacklisted domain) > - Link rel=next > - Link rel=prefetch > * HTML tags (referring to blacklisted domain) > - <link rel="shortcut icon" href=“…”> > - <link rel="apple-touch-icon image_src" href=“…”> Also see bug 523095. > * Fetch API, importScripts() used by ServiceWorker (referring to blacklisted > domain) Tracked in bug 1437626. Note that these are likely not just a bypass of tracking protection, but also of Safe Browsing. I'm not sure it's directly exploitable by malware/phishing sites in that case, but it's still something we should fix.
Blocks: 1207775
Group: toolkit-core-security
Component: Tracking Protection → Safe Browsing
Priority: -- → P3
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Group: firefox-core-security
Whiteboard: tp-leak
Trackers have used WebSockets to bypass resource blocking extensions ( There's nothing specific to TP in the paper, but the same workarounds could be deployed against TP.
Attached file tpc-paper.pdf
I think we can make this bug public now. The paper is here: and has won the Distinguished Paper award at USENIX Security (congrats BTW!). So we can assume that anybody who can benefit from knowing these bypasses already knows about them.
Flags: needinfo?(dveditz)
Group: toolkit-core-security
Flags: needinfo?(dveditz)
Depends on: 1437626

Hi, I've done a retrospective analysis of Firefox versions, up until Firefox 76. All issues discussed in the original report appear to be resolved, except for one; the request initiated by the WebSocket API is not blocked by Tracking Protection when directed to a blacklisted domain.

This can be reproduced by simply using the following code to instantiate a WebSocket:

var socket = new WebSocket('');

Third-party cookies are included in this a request.

loads in appcache doesn't have a top-level window, use loading principal

Depends on D80185

Depends on D80186

Assignee: nobody → dlee
Attachment #9157634 - Attachment description: Bug 1447935 - P1. CreatePairwiseWhitelist uses loading principal when a channel doesn't have an associated top-level window → Bug 1447935 - P1. CreatePairwiseEntitylist uses loading principal when a channel doesn't have an associated top-level window
Pushed by P1. CreatePairwiseEntitylist uses loading principal when a channel doesn't have an associated top-level window r=baku P2. Use fission-compatible third-party checks r=baku
Pushed by P1. CreatePairwiseEntitylist uses loading principal when a channel doesn't have an associated top-level window r=baku P2. Use fission-compatible third-party checks r=baku
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla80
Flags: needinfo?(dlee)
Blocks: 1653568
Whiteboard: tp-leak → tp-leak [adv-main80-]
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