Closed Bug 1450891 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

The shape coordinates appear only after changing the shape [Devtools Shape Tool]


(DevTools :: Inspector, defect)

Not set


(firefox61 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox61 --- affected


(Reporter: david.olah, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


[Affected versions]: 
Nightly 61.0a1

[Affected platforms]:
Platforms: Windows 10 x 64, Windows 7 x 32, Mac OS X 10.12 and Ubuntu 16.04 x64.

[Steps to reproduce]:
1. Go to about:config and set "layout.css.shape-outside.enabled" to true.
2. Go to
3. Right click on the image and then click on "Inspect Element".
4. Click on the button displayed next to clip-path to toggle the shape tool on

[Expected result]:
- The circle shape highlight appears and the coordinates in the Rules from Inspector also.

[Actual result]:
- The shape highlight appears and the coordinates not. They appear only after changing the dimension of the circle or moving it.

Note: At first move of the circle, the dimensions of it also modify. After changing the dimension of the circle, the dimension doesn't modify when moving it. I think this is a second effect of this issue. Please verify if it is and I'll put another bug for it if it is necessary.
(In reply to David Olah from comment #0)
> - The shape highlight appears and the coordinates not. They appear only
> after changing the dimension of the circle or moving it.
This is expected. 'circle()' is a valid CSS shape value. It just instructs the layout engine to draw a circle that fits into the element's box.
So it's ok for it to have no coordinates.
However when you start moving it/resizing it, then the tool adds the coordinates because they have changed to something custom.
So I'll close this bug based on this. Please feel free to re-open if I misunderstood the bug.
> Note: At first move of the circle, the dimensions of it also modify. After
> changing the dimension of the circle, the dimension doesn't modify when
> moving it. I think this is a second effect of this issue. Please verify if
> it is and I'll put another bug for it if it is necessary.
This sounds like something different, could you please file it as a separate bug?
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
I created bug 1451236 with the content of the note.
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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