Open Bug 1453402 Opened 7 years ago Updated 11 months ago

Investigate publishing a schema of crash annotations for Socorro to consume


(Toolkit :: Crash Reporting, enhancement)





(Reporter: ted, Unassigned)



bug 1348273 is adding a schema of crash annotations to the Firefox source. Socorro has its own schema that it uses for elasticsearch: We should look into publishing the crash annotation schema alongside the build for Socorro to consume in some way, so that annotations added in the future would automatically have their descriptions show up in the Socorro UI. We're looking at doing something similar in bug 1442306--publishing build metadata for buildhub to consume (instead of gathering the data via scraping) which Socorro can then use.
Severity: normal → S3

I don't think it makes sense to do this until two things have happened:

  1. CrashAnnotations.yaml contains the full set of crash annotations--currently it doesn't
  2. in order to add code that emits a crash annotation, there's some automated check that requires that new annotation be listed in CrashAnnotations.yaml first

In the meantime, Socorro (Crash Stats) has a raw crash schema consisting of supported crash annotations and when we add new items to that schema, we crib from the CrashAnnotations.yaml file.

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