Open Bug 1454819 Opened 6 years ago Updated 1 month ago

Do we really need all these shared memory classes?


(Core :: IPC, enhancement, P2)

60 Branch




(Reporter: jld, Unassigned)



SharedMemoryBasic extends SharedMemoryCommon<HandleType> extends SharedMemory (the mozilla::ipc:: one, not the base:: one I'm proposing to refactor out of existence in bug 1454816).

If I'm following the code correctly, there's only one concrete class in this hierarchy; we may have used runtime dispatch here in the past, but I don't think we are anymore, and if we don't plan on doing so again, there's an opportunity to make this code more understandable (and throw out a few unused vtables).

ipc::Shmem, however, imposes a lot of policy and IPDL integration that isn't always appropriate; the more general SharedMemoryBasic should remain separate from that.
See Also: → 1455106
Priority: -- → P2

We might need to have both POSIX and Mach shared memory coexist on macOS, but we might not need more than one per platform to back Shmem.

Severity: normal → S3
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