Bug 1455047
Opened 7 years ago
Closed 6 years ago
[Ubuntu 18.04] Some password fields are impossible to focus at (so, users can't log in or sign up)
(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect)
of bug 1451466
(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)
(Whiteboard: [platform-rel-reddit])
(3 files)
[I think this is a version of bug 1451466; I'm spinning it off to its own bug because it manifests slightly differently, so as not to add too much additional content over on that bug, and in case we want to discuss reddit-specific workarounds/etc. But ultimately it's likely a dupe & will be fixed by the same patch or upstream Ubuntu fix, hopefully.]
0. Be using Ubuntu 18.04 (currently in beta, released April 26).
1. Visit
2. On the initial "Welcome to Reddit" popup, click "Skip for now"
(This popup has a login option, but this one's not broken.)
3. Now you're looking at the main Reddit page -- click "Log in" near the very top right corner of the page.
4. Try to focus the password field (by clicking it, or by tabbing from the username field, or doing anything else you can think of.
Password field refuses to be focused. Hence, I'm unable to login (or sign up) via this form.
Password field should be focusable.
- I can use devtools to set elem.value = "some-string" to fill in the password, as an extreme-hackaround.
- If I use devtools to remove type="password" from this element, then it focuses just fine.
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Updated•7 years ago
Summary: Password fields are impossible to focus at → [Ubuntu 18.04] Password fields are impossible to focus at (so, users can't log in or sign up)
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Comment 1•7 years ago
I'm going to post two log snippets, from running with MOZ_LOG="Focus:4,WidgetFocus:4" with a saved copy of this login form (where I can't reproduce this bug, i.e. the field focuses just fine) vs. the actual live page (where I can reproduce this bug).
I'll just post the logging that's emitted when I click the password field. You'll notice that the logs are mostly the same, but the latter one (where the bug reproduces) has a bunch more at the end, starting around "Shift Focus: div".
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Comment 2•7 years ago
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Comment 3•7 years ago
Here's the log of the useless click, on the live site, where this does reproduce.
All the logging starting with "<<SetFocus begin>>" / "Shift Focus: div" is *only* present in this log, not in the previous one from the saved copy of the site. (And sadly, our "input" element isn't mentioned from that point onward in the log, which is why the password field doesn't end up being the final thing with focus.)
I'm guessing maybe Reddit has some event-handler JS that's involved here, and that JS isn't prepared to accommodate our bizarre lower-and-raise dance that we end up doing here... That might explain the difference between the saved site (which might not successfully register the event handler) vs. the live site.
If so, maybe we could come up with a suggested workaround, depending on how crucial that JS is and how hard it ends up being to fix the fundamental issue in bug 1451466...
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Updated•7 years ago
OS: Unspecified → Linux
Updated•7 years ago
platform-rel: --- → ?
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-reddit]
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Comment 4•7 years ago
(I just noticed there's a "username/password" login field directly embedded at the top right of most reddit pages. That password field seems to be focusable & usable. It's the one from the actual "Log in" *link* at the top right that is broken.
Here's a screenshot showing where to click (the red arrow) to get the broken can't-log-in experience.
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Updated•7 years ago
Attachment #8969048 -
Attachment description: screenshot showing which login link to click → screenshot showing which login link to click to trigger the brokenness (red arrow)
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Updated•7 years ago
Summary: [Ubuntu 18.04] Password fields are impossible to focus at (so, users can't log in or sign up) → [Ubuntu 18.04] Some password fields are impossible to focus at (so, users can't log in or sign up)
Comment 5•7 years ago
The way focus does not restore to the fields in the log in or sign up dialogs, after changing the active window, is odd, and occurs even on systems without ibus, and even on Windows 10. Focus restores to the expected field in Google Chrome (on Linux, at least).
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Comment 6•7 years ago
ooh, that is interesting. I can reproduce that problem with the username & password field in this dialog, in Firefox on Mac, Windows, and Linux (regardless of whether I'm using ibus or disabling it via e.g. GTK_IM_MODULE="")
Also FWIW: this is easier to test if you just go directly to (or another subreddit) -- that way reddit doesn't prompt you to create an account with a different dialog up front (STR step 2 becomes unnecessary).
Also, slightly good news: Reddit's working on a site redesign[1], and the post-redesign site doesn't seem to have this problem. I was randomly served the "post-redesign[1]" version of /r/firefox when trying this once (you can tell because it has an actual [Log in] and [Sign up] buttons in the top right) -- and the password fields in those buttons' spawned in-page-dialogs seem to work fine -- the password field accepts focus, and the username/password do successfully regain focus if I switch to a different window and back.
[1] ,
Comment 7•7 years ago
This bug seems to only affect input fields with the "type='password'" attribute/value pair.
So, a quick workaround is to "Inspect Element" the password field and remove the "type='password'".
I'm using FF 59.02 on Ubuntu 18.04 and I've run into this problem on Reddit and the CapitalOne website so far.
I'm having the same problem. I can't select the input password field.
Removing the "type='password'" is not impossible because of the customer's security.
If I remove type='password', the input change to default type ("type='text'").
Does anyone have any resolution?
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Comment 9•6 years ago
You can find some workarounds on the github issue here:
I've had success by unsetting the GTK_IM_MODULE environmental variable (or setting it to the empty string).
You can do that by quitting Firefox, and then starting it from the terminal like so:
...or you can unset it globally by putting this in your ".profile" config file that lives in your home directory:
(You may have to log out and log back in again. You can double check whether it worked by then typing "echo $GTK_IM_MODULE" in a terminal -- it should just print a blank line.)
Comment 10•6 years ago
Thanks Daniel. I use MagniPopup.js for opening the popup.
The password field in this popup can not be able to select.Just only on firefox via ubuntu 18.04.
Chrome or any browser on ubuntu 16,17 are working well.The other password is not affected.
Have you met this issue before?
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Comment 11•6 years ago
That sounds like a version of this bug, yes.
See bug 1451466 comment 29 for the (somewhat tragic) history & current state here. Basically, this was due to a change in ibus/gnome (not a change in Firefox), and they have a proposed fix, but it seems stalled at the moment.
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Comment 12•6 years ago
Duping to bug 1451466, since there's no specific extra fix on this bug (it's just different STR that trigger the same underlying issue, per first sentence of comment 0).
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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