Open Bug 1456060 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Add proper keyboard navigation in console


(DevTools :: Console, enhancement, P3)



(firefox61 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox61 --- affected


(Reporter: nchevobbe, Unassigned)



Since Bug 1452566, we now have keyboard navigation on the ObjectInspector, and we enabled it in the sidebar (Bug 1428078).

We didn't enable it for the console output because the keyboard navigation from the jsterm (console input) to a specific message object is a bit weird right now.

If we enable it, shift+tab take you from the jsterm to the last logged object, which is nice.
But in the meantime, we shift all the other elements we can interact with (log location, exception stacktrace toggle icon, group toggle icon, …).

We should take this as an opportunity to have a real good keyboard navigation that would benefit every user.
Priority: -- → P3
Product: Firefox → DevTools
See Also: → 1424404
Blocks: 1424159
Severity: normal → S3
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