Closed Bug 1458331 Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Crash in igdrclneo64.dll@0x30819


(Core :: Graphics, defect, P3)

Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox59 --- affected
firefox60 --- affected
firefox61 --- affected


(Reporter: marcia, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash, Whiteboard: [gfx-noted])

Crash Data

This bug was filed from the Socorro interface and is report bp-4fee7225-e803-4295-bc34-d67fc0180430. ============================================================= Might be a dupe of another bug, but seems to involve nvidia drivers -, specifically igdrclneo64.dll: Crashes go as far back as 20180402111808 on 61 - Top 10 frames of crashing thread: 0 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x30819 1 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x480e1f 2 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x2ca017 3 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x1c4a6 4 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x1eccff 5 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x480e1f 6 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x3abaf 7 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x480e1f 8 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x2ca017 9 igdrclneo64.dll igdrclneo64.dll@0x6ced9 =============================================================
Crash Signature: [@ igdrclneo64.dll@0x30819] → [@ igdrclneo64.dll@0x30819] [@ igdrclneo64.dll@0x30909] [@ igdrclneo64.dll@0x30789]
We got a new report where the user has a AMD Radeon Software (18.4.1) driver installed and encountered this crash when playing videos on Youtube. He mentioned that the issue is not reproducible if he is using h264ify to force h264 on Youtube. You can find more informations in bug 1458210.
I have this bug, have some programming background and want to help. So if some developer will need to run some tests, install VS, etc., then I can do it.
This is still happening with AMD Radeon Software 18.5.1. Crash ID bb20e048-ee6c-461a-b60b-efa250180523.
Still no change with AMD Radeon 18.6.1 ID 0af422fc-c405-4550-8184-6da940180621 Is there anything i can do to speed up this debugging process? The h264 workaround works, but doesn't solve the Problem.
Latest patch solved the issue for me
I can't reproduce this anymore, either.
This seems to have gotten fixed in builds after 20180524161444 (62 nightly) and presumably the fix was uplifted to 61. We don't seem to be seeing this on esr60 at all, so I'm not concerned about finding the precise change at this time.
Closed: 6 years ago
Priority: -- → P3
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Whiteboard: DUPEME → [gfx-noted]
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