Closed Bug 1459302 Opened 7 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Generate buildhub.json for l10n repacks


(Firefox Build System :: General, enhancement)

3 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ted, Unassigned)



bug 1442306 added code to generate a buildhub.json file during packaging. Unfortunately it doesn't work for l10n repacks, which is something we do want. I'm splitting this off to a separate bug so I can land the patches on that bug.
Assignee: nobody → ted
Pardon intrusion, but can I ask what the status of this is. In we're waiting for Mihai to wrap up the work of fixing the download.url and making sure the actual buildhub.json file gets uploaded. Is there anything I can do to help on this bug?
See Also: → 1467845
I noticed Mihai's update, is buildhub.json now being generated for l10n repacks?
Any progress on this on Ted?
I went around and around on this a few times and couldn't figure out a reasonable place to put this (seemingly simple) logic in the rat's nest that is our l10n repack setup. I know this is blocking useful work on the buildhub side so I talked to Callek today about a potential implementation and he seemed OK with it. We currently have `EN_US_BINARY_URL` defined to point to the en-US package in l10n repack tasks: We could similarly define an `EN_US_BUILDHUB_URL` there to point to the en-US buildhub.json. Then we would fetch that buildhub.json file when we fetch the en-US package: I'd just do it directly in the mozharness Python instead of trying to wire it into the build system. Then, somewhere in the `make_upload` function in the mozharness script we'd read the en-US buildhub.json and update the target.locale and download.* keys that differ from en-US: The only finicky bit there would be determining the installer/package filename, since mozharness and the build system are kind of at arm's length here. I think that much is manageable though.
Version: Version 3 → 3 Branch
Assignee: ted → nobody

Ben, since we're starting to own buildhub stuff, do you know anything about this and if its still wanted/needed?

Flags: needinfo?(bhearsum)

I did some digging and most (all?) of the stakeholders have weighed in on and are OK with not having l10n data. Let's close this as WONTFIX, and we'll re-open if needed.

Closed: 5 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(bhearsum)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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