Closed Bug 146094 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Stealing third-party cookies through a proxy


(Core :: Networking, defect, P4)






(Reporter: security-bugs, Assigned: darin.moz)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

From Bennett Haselton: ----------------------- Using Netscape 4.79: 1) Make sure you have a cookie set (check your cookies.txt file in your user directory). If you don't have one, go to and it will set one. 1) Set your browser to use port 8487 as a proxy 2) Go to: This causes your cookie to be sent to the server and displayed back at you. (It might take a second; it has to go through two redirects first.) This works by redirecting the browser to the URL The browser sends out the cookie in an HTTP header when it makes the request, and the proxy server takes the request and the cookie header and sends it to, so CGI on the server can see the cookie header. (JavaScript code on a page accessed in this way, however, cannot access the cookie.) This works with most HTTP proxies that I tested, including UNIX (Apache) and Windows (IIS) variants: s561.BESS.Net port 9308 (can't tell what this one is running) port 80 (this is running Microsoft IIS Server) port 80 (this is running Apache) etc. You can get a list of known open proxies from: It did *not* work with this proxy, however: port 8080 which is running SQUID 2.2. But either way, I think this is a browser bug and not a proxy server bug, because the header sent out by the browser: GET HTTP/1.0 is improperly formatted and should never be sent out in the first place -- so the proxy server can't be faulted for guessing how to handle the request.
Both Steve and I have reproduced this with some of the proxies. I reproduced it with port 80 inside Netscape's firewall, and Steve reports that port 8487 works, but only from outside the firewall.
Problem is occuring on line 704 of nsCookies.cpp when it calls upon ExtractUrlPart. The value being returned is "" with the embedded space character. Problem is essentially the same as in bug 110418 (stealing cookies using %00). I'm trying to remember how we fixed that one, since several fixes were checked in and immediately backed out. cc'ing darin.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
Here's a fix that can be applied to the cookie module. However the problem is really in the netwerking module and should be fixed there. This fix can be considered as a second line of defence -- a belt-and-suspenders approach to security. Index: nsCookies.cpp =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/cookie/nsCookies.cpp,v retrieving revision 1.53 diff -u -r1.53 nsCookies.cpp --- nsCookies.cpp 16 May 2002 18:00:38 -0000 1.53 +++ nsCookies.cpp 22 May 2002 14:53:31 -0000 @@ -706,9 +706,15 @@ if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return nsnull; } + if (host.RFindChar(' ') != -1) { + return nsnull; + } result = ioService->ExtractUrlPart(nsDependentCString(address), nsIIOService::url_Path, path); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { + return nsnull; + } + if (path.RFindChar(' ') != -1) { return nsnull; }
There's something very strange going on with hasselton's test. I ran it using 4.7x and it indeed showed me my yahoo cookie. Then I tried it with the latest mozilla trunk build and thought I saw my yahoo cookie as well. But now I realize that it was showing me my 4.7 yahoo cookie and not my mozilla yahoo cookie (I have separate profiles). Furthermore, if I delete and acquire a new cookie in 4.7, the 4.7 run still keeps displaying the old 4.7 yahoo cookie. Yes, I've tried clearing my cache but that made no difference. And it couldn't be the cache because the cache would not account for a 4.7 cookie appearing in a mozilla run. I discovered this because I noticed that after I made the patch shown above, I was still getting a cookie displayed, even though I am no longer sending a cookie to his server. My suspicion is that the cookie might be cached at the proxy (I'm using the same proxy for my 4.7 run and my mozilla run). Is that possible?
morse: nsIOService::ExtractUrlPart doesn't do any unescaping.. are you certain that the input to ExtractUrlPart hasn't already been unescaped somehow?
Forget whether netwerking is doing escaping or unescape. What's significant is that it is returning a string with a space in it when I ask for the host. That's what it shouldn't do. Yes the input to ExtractUrlPart already had the space in it. But I would hope that the routine could detect that and possibly give an error return in that case rather then returning a seemingly valid result with an embedded space.
ok, so junk in equals junk out... maybe the URL parsers should consider any invalid characters like spaces invalid... or maybe it should escape them... or maybe some other piece of code should be responsible for that. or lastly, maybe we only want to make hostname parsing more strict. hmm...
i think a good solution to this bug would be to simply make the URL parsers fail if a space exists in the hostname. this would prevent this bad URL from being loaded at all... we wouldn't even get near the cookie module. working on a patch.
Follow-up to comment 4. Yes, there is some sort of caching on the proxy which caused the odd results that I was seeing. Tried a different proxy. This time I didn't have that caching problem. And I was able to verify that my patch fixes this bug.
Attached patch v1 patch (obsolete) — — Splinter Review
ok, this patch prevents the redirect by making the URL parser reject the malformed URL. the only added check is for a space character in the hostname... perhaps we should check for other illegal characters as well?! the bulk of the patch simply adds nsresult checking to ensure that the error propagates upwards.
reassigning to myself. need some folks to review this patch... very simple... any takers?
Assignee: morse → darin
Component: Cookies → Networking
one concern i have with this patch is that some folks reuse nsStandardURL for things that don't really have a hostname. that is, they might use the hostname field to mean something else. that makes it very difficult to place restrictions on the valid set of characters allowed in this field. restricting the space character seems safe to me, but i might be missing some of the ways in which nsStandardURL is (re)used. cc'ing mailnews folks to verify that this change wouldn't break anything in mailnews.
r=waterson on morse's change. You should comment why you're checking for spaces, and you should probably assert, too when/if darin's changes land. darin should probably sr=.
Component: Networking → Cookies
Looks good, but I have to ask: Are there any other illegal characters we can filter out while we're at it? Is space the only illegal character in the URL spec? Is it feasible/safer to specify a range of valid characters rather than searching for invalid ones? Where does the escaping and unescaping occur? I'm worried about the possibility of getting a space with the high bit set, such that it will be recognized as a space in some circumstances but not others. What about %20? At what point does that get changed into a space?
Component: Cookies → Networking
We should probably test with other whitespace characters as well; e.g., TAB.
Based on conversation with darin and waterson, I'm modifying my patch to: - test for tab as well - forget the test that I added for path since it has no bearing here The eventual solution should be my patch as well as darin's. However for safety at this point, my patch alone with solve the exploit and have zero risk of introducing regressions.
Attached patch cookie module patch — — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 84694 [details] [diff] [review] cookie module patch r=waterson
Attachment #84694 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 84694 [details] [diff] [review] cookie module patch >Index: nsCookies.cpp >+ if ((host.RFindChar(' ') != -1) || (host.RFindChar('\t') != -1)) { >+ return nsnull; >+ } nit: RFindCharInSet would be faster. either way, sr=darin
Attachment #84694 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 84690 [details] [diff] [review] v1 patch this patch is actually incorrect... it does not fix the bug if there is an explicit port appended to the hostname... doh!
Attachment #84690 - Flags: needs-work+
Darin and I noticed that Necko already checks for \t, so we don't actually need to check for that here, but belt-and-suspenders never hurts. r=mstoltz on Steve's patch, FWIW.
i think this is the patch that we should land on the trunk and branch post 1.0
Attachment #84690 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Cookie module patch has been checked in on the trunk. Not closing this out because darin's netwerking fix will also need to eventually get checked in. But the cookie fix alone will stop the atack.
AFAIK, mailnews doesn't do anything funky with the hostname - I believe we pretty much use it for hostnames :-)
ok, just want to be sure here. It looks like the proposal is to take the cookie patch for RC3/1.0 and then continue to land the additional patch on the network side later after more testing and possible regression finding can be done.
attachment 84694 [details] [diff] [review] is the patch we want for 1.0/RC3 (morse, waterson, mstoltz, and i discussed this and arrived at this conclusion together). i want to land my patch (attachment 84702 [details] [diff] [review]) after 1.0/RC3.
Comment on attachment 84694 [details] [diff] [review] cookie module patch a=chofmann,brendan,scc for the 1.0 branch RC3/1.0. we will take darin's patch later.
Attachment #84694 - Flags: approval+
Keywords: adt1.0.0
adt1.0.0+ for approval for branch checkin.
Keywords: adt1.0.0adt1.0.0+
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM]
changing to adt1.0.1+ for checkin to the 1.0 branch for the Mozilla1.0.1 milestone. Please get drivers approval before checking in.
Keywords: adt1.0.0+adt1.0.1+
This bug should not have been given atd1.0.1+ designation. The crucial part of it has already been checked in on the trunk and branch, and that stops the attack. The remaining part is no longer of high priority and is of higher risk.
The ADT was simply responding to, and carrying over the "+" based on your initial request for approval on 05/22. Should you feel (and, the Security team agree), that the remaining work is too risky to take for 1.0.1, and not needed to prevent the exploit at this time, pls feel free to: 1) Remove the adt1.0.1+, and 2) Set this bug to milestone other than 1.0 or 1.0.1. thanks!
no, i strongly feel that we should work toward fixing the problem from within necko. even though this particular problem is already solved, the root cause of the problem still remains. we don't know for sure that the problem in necko couldn't be tickled some other way (perhaps in some other protocol) to cause a security hole.
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.0.1
Priority: -- → P4
Is the v2 patch (for the trunk and mozilla1.0.1) the right patch and does it still need to be landed on the branch?
Keywords: mozilla1.0.1
i need to spend some time verifying the v2 patch before checking it in. i'm hoping to make some progress on that this week. i think it'd be good to take the patch on the branch as well as the trunk because it gives us an additional layer of security (belt-and-suspenders as they say).
Comment on attachment 84702 [details] [diff] [review] v2 patch (for the trunk and mozilla 1.0.1) r=dougt lets make sure that this get well tested on the trunk before porting it to the moz1.0.x branch.
Attachment #84702 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 84702 [details] [diff] [review] v2 patch (for the trunk and mozilla 1.0.1)
Attachment #84702 - Flags: superreview+
Removing "+" for now, until the new patch has landed on the trunk and been verified by QA. thanks!
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM] → [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/20]
landed v2 patch on the trunk. marking FIXED.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
trever, can you verify this fix on the trunk. Thx.
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/20] → [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/21]
using the testcase from comment #1: - re-checked that cookies were still not being stolen with builds from a few days ago. - tested 06/20 trunk builds that the malformed url (with spaces) is blocked. - tested with various proxies listed in comment 1 verified trunk - 06/20/02 builds - win NT4, linux rh6, mac osX
Keywords: verifyme
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/21] → [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/21] [verified-trunk]
adt1.0.1 (on ADT's behalf) approval for checkin to the 1.0 branch, pending drivers' approval. pls check this in asap, then add the "fixed1.0.1" keyword.
Keywords: adt1.0.1adt1.0.1+
Attachment #84702 - Flags: approval+
please checkin to the 1.0.1 branch. once there, remove the "mozilla1.0.1+" keyword and add the "fixed1.0.1" keyword.
tever - pls verify on the branch when you get a chance. Thanks.
verified branch - 07/11/02 builds - win NT4, linux rh6, mac osX
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/21] [verified-trunk] → [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/21] [verified-trunk][verified-branch]
tever: Tom can you verify this on the 1.0 branch?
oops, forgot to add verified1.0.1 keyword, this was already tested on the branch
Keywords: verified1.0.1
Group: security?
Keywords: approval, fixed1.0.1
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM] [ETA 06/21] [verified-trunk][verified-branch]
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