Closed Bug 146950 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[osx] 1.0rc3 browser is incredibly slow using SSL


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: rjwalsh, Assigned: darin.moz)




(Keywords: topembed+, Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM])


(1 file)

The 1.0rc3 browser is really slow on MacOS X. So slow, in fact, that I'm going to revert to 1.0rc1, which worked just fine. Specifically, it takes a really long time to connect or download data from a web page - even ones that are on my LAN. All other applications that use the network run just fine, as does rc1, so I know it's nothing to do with the network.
-> Networking:http
Assignee: Matti → darin
Component: Browser-General → Networking: HTTP
QA Contact: imajes-qa → tever
WorksForMe using FizzillaCFM/RC3. Robert, can you reproduce this slowness using a new Mozilla user profile?
Severity: normal → major
I'll certainly try, later on tonight when I get back home. More details then.
No joy - I created a new profile and am seeing the exact same problem. Works fine from other machines on my network, and from other applications (like IE) on this machine.
reporter: what version of OSX are you using?
I am using 10.1.4, with all of the latest updates from Apple. The machine is an ibook with 256MB of memory and I use an airport card for connectivity. I've eliminated the system software and hardware as being the problem by running IE and Mozilla 1.0rc1. Both worked just fine. I even ran IE and 1.0rc3 at the same time to spot the time difference. Specifically, when I access my work squirrelmail account, it takes IE about 3 seconds to go from the log in screen to the complete set of main screen frames. It takes Mozilla 1.0rc3 about 3 seconds to display the first frame and about 20 seconds to display the second frame. 1.0rc1 is about as fast as IE.
Any chance the problematic websites or the 2nd frame of the squirrelmail site are secure pages? I've gotten some e-mail from folks complaining that some sites with their own CAs have started loading v e r y s l o w l y.
Well, both frames are secure. Actually, I've noticed this happening with the right-side frame, too, but usually it's such a small amount of data it doesn't happen. As for the CA issue - I've tried this on two SquirrelMail web sites, one with its own CA (my own one at home) and one with a VeriSign CA (my mail account at work.) Both exhibit the same slow behaviour, so I don't think the CA being a well-known CA has anything to do with it.
kaie, ssaux: here's another bug about secure sites loading very very slowly.
See also bug 147979.
FYI: this is still happening with the 1.0 final release. It appears to be effecting https only. I've also upgraded to Mac OS X 10.1.5 and the problem is still happening.
this is a blocker for embed clients.
Severity: major → blocker
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: topembed+
Blocks: 15468
Keywords: nsbeta1
Whiteboard: [adt1 RTM]
We will try to setup an SSL version of pageloader to get some data.
cc javi Javi thinks it may be a regression in the dbm code on the mac platform.
The pageload test on 'cowtools' will now run with either https or http (you can select which flavour to run by clicking on the appropriate URL). It does use a 'self-certified' certificate. (Do we have a way to get a certificate with a proper CA signing?). I haven't tried this on OS/X, but the current trunk on win2k doesn't show significant speed loss in the SSL case. [However, we may want to get this setup so that we can test over modem, since poor SSL performance would be accentuated for a low-bandwidth/high-latency connection, no?].
This doesn't surprise me - it also works fine on 1.0 final on Linux, so it definitely appears to be OS X specific.
Blocks: 147975
Blocks: 150046
Man. Mea culpa. I should have been all over this. This isn't just "slow". It's completely busted. This is up to 10 times slower in current builds than in RC1 when the test doesn't time out. I went back through the daily 2002-mm-dd-hh-1.0.0/mozilla-macosX-1.0.0.smi.bin builds on sweetlou. SSL runs okay in 2002-04-27-05-1.0.0, 2002-04-28-05-1.0.0, and 2002-04-29-05-1.0.0 builds, but chokes on 2002-04-30-05-1.0.0 and 2002-05-01-05-1.0.0 builds. So something bad was checked in during the 4/29am to 4/30am window (see url on this bug). I see some NSS related code in that window. There's also darin's pipelining changes, although those should be pref-ed off. And there are a rew mac specific changes, but they look innocuous. (tested on os/x 10.1.5 733MHz 256MB G4)
Summary: 1.0rc3 browser is incredibly slow → [osx] 1.0rc3 browser is incredibly slow using SSL
The NSS changes shown in the URL on this bug were not made to the MOZILLA_1_0_0_BRANCH used by 1.0rc1 and 1.0rc3. This patch is the Mac related changes in NSS and its dependencies (NSPR and mozilla/dbm) between 1.0rc1 and 1.0rc3. Comments: 1. There are no NSPR changes. 2. The NSS change simply exports one more function from SMIME3.shlb. 3. The DBM change is substantial and is the fix for bug 129080. It was committed at 27 Apr 2002 03:43:49 -0000, not during the 4/29am to 4/30am window noted in comment #17.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 147979 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Blocks: 147979
verified duplicate
No longer blocks: 147975
No longer blocks: 150046
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