Bug 1477741
Opened 7 years ago
Closed 4 years ago
As a user I want to manage a global list of cookies (not only per-site) with their details
(DevTools :: Storage Inspector, defect, P4)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: belfox_ruben, Unassigned)
(1 file)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Build ID: 20180704003137
Steps to reproduce:
In Firefox 60, the "Show Cookies" panel was merged into the "Manage Data" panel under "Cookies and Website Data". This shows the number of cookies and storage used per website/domain, but doesn't provide any cookie details.
Cookie details/data can be found under DevTools > Storage > Cookies.
Actual results:
As a user it is not possible to find a list with all cookies (no domain filtering) and see the details of each of them, now the "Show Cookies" panel is removed.
Expected results:
Users should have a global overview of all stored cookies and their details and be able tot delete cookies individually without having to resort to third-party add-ons.
- show *all* cookies under DevTools > Storage > Cookies when no domain is selected underneath, or ...
- provide a separate "about:cookies" page with the same functionality as the old "Show Cookies" panel.
Thank you.
Comment 1•7 years ago
(In reply to Ruben from comment #0)
> - show *all* cookies under DevTools > Storage > Cookies when no domain is
> selected underneath, or ...
Seems like the best bet, given the response to bug 1457935 and bug 1451162. Moving to the appropriate component.
Component: Untriaged → Storage Inspector
OS: Unspecified → All
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Hardware: Unspecified → All
If we don't want the global list of cookies to be shown by default, a button can be foreseen (see attachment).
Comment 4•7 years ago
Thank you for filing this request!
Why is the view in Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Cookies and Site Data -> Manage Data not good enough? The developer tools are normally attached to the current scope (i.e the site you're in), but we're studying ways of improving the Storage inspector and we'd like to understand what your use cases are.
E.g. do you want to inspect/edit and delete individual cookies for a specific domain (or maybe you don't know the top level domain), or do you want to delete entire sets of cookies that a website has set? They're different goals, so understanding your needs would help us a lot.
Flags: needinfo?(rubencapiau)
Updated•7 years ago
Priority: -- → P4
(In reply to Soledad Penades [:sole] [:spenades] from comment #4)
> Thank you for filing this request!
> Why is the view in Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Cookies and Site
> Data -> Manage Data not good enough?
Because detailed cookie info is missing, which is needed to delete *individual* cookies per domain.
> The developer tools are normally attached to the current scope (i.e the site you're in),
> but we're studying ways of improving the Storage inspector and we'd like to understand what
> your use cases are.
Tech-savvy users (not Joe Average) want to inspect (and delete) individual cookies, without the need to navigate to the domain first. They want to open a global list and search for particular strings or just look around. The Storage Inspector already contains most of the needed elements (list, details, search box), so adding this seems quite cheap?
> E.g. do you want to inspect/edit and delete individual cookies for a
> specific domain (or maybe you don't know the top level domain), or do you
> want to delete entire sets of cookies that a website has set? They're
> different goals, so understanding your needs would help us a lot.
The former: inspecting, (editing) and deleting individual cookies for a specific domain.
E.g. when a user has authentication problems on a website, he/she can delete AUTH cookies for that domain, while still keeping cookies that contain website preferences (e.g. language).
Thank you!
Flags: needinfo?(rubencapiau)
Comment 6•4 years ago
Closing this since the implementation of the Storage panel is aimed at the current page, not all cookies, and there's no plan to move away from this.
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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