Closed Bug 1480443 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Enable FastBlock by default on Nightly


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, enhancement, P1)




Tracking Status
firefox63 --- verified


(Reporter: johannh, Assigned: ethan)



(Whiteboard: [necko-triaged])


(3 files)

With the Content Blocking UI going live in Nightly right now (bug 1476217) we probably want to flip the FastBlock pref as well to get some early input.
Component: General → Networking: HTTP
Severity: normal → major
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla63
When we enable fastblock by default in Nightly, we should also reset the privacy.trackingprotection.introCount pref to make sure that users see the new onboarding.
Assignee: nobody → xeonchen
Whiteboard: [necko-triaged]
(In reply to François Marier [:francois] from comment #1)
> When we enable fastblock by default in Nightly, we should also reset the
> privacy.trackingprotection.introCount pref to make sure that users see the
> new onboarding.

Note that there's no new onboarding yet, so we should do that in a separate bug.
Ethan will handle this
Assignee: xeonchen → ettseng
(In reply to Gary Chen [:xeonchen] from comment #3)
> Ethan will handle this

Cheers. This would be my good first bug to practice Phabricator. ;)
Comment on attachment 9001669 [details]
Bug 1480443 - Enable FastBlock by default on Nightly

François Marier [:francois] has approved the revision.
Attachment #9001669 - Flags: review+
Try result:

This patch breaks some test cases. For example, browser/components/preferences/in-content/tests/browser_contentblocking.js
has the assumption that FastBlock is disabled by default and checks if it successfully modified the pref value.

We need to fix these test failures.
Attachment #9003834 - Attachment description: Bug 1480443 - Part 2: Fix test case → Bug 1480443 - Part 2: Fix test case failure of Content Blocking
Comment on attachment 9004210 [details]
Bug 1480443 - Part 3: Disable FastBlock in URL Classifier tests

Dimi Lee[:dimi][:dlee] has approved the revision.
Attachment #9004210 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 9003834 [details]
Bug 1480443 - Part 2: Fix test case failure of Content Blocking

Johann Hofmann [:johannh] has approved the revision.
Attachment #9003834 - Flags: review+
The updated try result (with Part 2 and 3 patches):

There is still at least one failure which seems to be caused by the patch of this bug.
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/components/url-classifier/tests/mochitest/test_classifier.html | Test timed out.
Given the fact that having a feature like fastblock turned on can turn any test which has tracking resources orange intermittently if the machine runs too slowly, you might want to consider disabling the pref globally for all tests in and only enabling it specifically for the tests that actually want to turn fastblock on.  That file is intended for preferences that are intended to be set globally across both correctness test harnesses as well as Talos.
Hm, but is it really a good idea to disable a pref that will be set for users globally in our tests? At least with browser chrome mochitests we try to stay as close to the real thing as possible, in my view. Note that you can set prefs in test .ini files:

This leaves the option of disabling these prefs by directory instead.
(In reply to François Marier [:francois] from comment #1)
> When we enable fastblock by default in Nightly, we should also reset the
> privacy.trackingprotection.introCount pref to make sure that users see the
> new onboarding.

Please note that the onboarding ui tour situation was already handled in separate bugs and there is nothing we need to do here, **especially** NOT resetting that pref, which would cause all our users to have to see the old TP onboarding again.

Thanks :)
(In reply to Johann Hofmann [:johannh] from comment #14)
> Hm, but is it really a good idea to disable a pref that will be set for
> users globally in our tests?

Ideally, no.  But this isn't a binary decision, i.e., disabling fastblock for everything doesn't mean not testing it, we *should* have specific tests for fastblock, turning the pref on for everything is a very poor replacement for that.

> At least with browser chrome mochitests we try
> to stay as close to the real thing as possible, in my view. Note that you
> can set prefs in test .ini files:
> 55da592d85c2baf8d8818010c41d9738c97013d2/browser/base/content/test/
> performance/browser.ini#7

I think the choice we are going to have to is whether to keep fastblock enabled and add some intermittent test failures to every single test that creates a tracking channel, or disable fastblock globally and opt into it for the tests that really want to test the feature.  Based on my experience I think the second option in the long term is going to waste a lot of developer and sheriff time and result in a lot of one off "disable fast block for this test" patches being written and landing.

My $0.02.
Attachment #9004210 - Attachment description: Bug 1480443 - Part 3: Fix the test failure of Safe Browsing → Bug 1480443 - Part 2: Disable FastBlock globally for all the tests
Attachment #9004210 - Attachment description: Bug 1480443 - Part 2: Disable FastBlock globally for all the tests → Bug 1480443 - Part 3: Disable FastBlock in URL Classifier tests
(In reply to :Ehsan Akhgari from comment #16)
> (In reply to Johann Hofmann [:johannh] from comment #14)
> > Hm, but is it really a good idea to disable a pref that will be set for
> > users globally in our tests?
> Ideally, no.  But this isn't a binary decision, i.e., disabling fastblock
> for everything doesn't mean not testing it, we *should* have specific tests
> for fastblock, turning the pref on for everything is a very poor replacement
> for that.

Ehsan and Johann, thanks for your input!

From our offline discussion, we have made a conclusion NOT to disable FastBlock globally for all the tests. As Johann said in comment 14, this is more close to the real setting (FastBlock is enabled by default on Nightly). Also, we can avoid using hacky solutions to fix test failures in Content Blocking.

The current patches only disable FastBlock in certain url-classifier tests which would fail when FastBlock is on. I will file a follow-up bug to disable FastBlock for all url-classifier tests so FB won't interfere with any URL Classifier/Tracking Protection tests which would create annotating channels.
Comment on attachment 9004210 [details]
Bug 1480443 - Part 3: Disable FastBlock in URL Classifier tests

François Marier [:francois] has approved the revision.
Attachment #9004210 - Flags: review+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Pushed by
Enable FastBlock by default on Nightly. r=francois
Part 2: Fix test case failure of Content Blocking. r=johannh
Part 3: Disable FastBlock in URL Classifier tests. r=dimi,francois
Keywords: checkin-needed
Flags: qe-verify+
Flags: needinfo?(cristian.comorasu)
I can confirm this issue is fixed, I verified using Fx 64.0a1 (2018-09-19) on Windows 10 x64, mac 10.14 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64.
Flags: qe-verify+
Flags: needinfo?(cristian.comorasu)
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