Closed Bug 1481370 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Can't change event date, always resets to 30.12.0002. [RangeError: date value is not finite in DateTimeFormat.format()]


(Calendar :: Dialogs, defect)

Lightning 6.2
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: yusufaktepe, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [datetime-issue-6.2])


(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Build ID: 20180704003137

Steps to reproduce:

Right click on a date > New Event > Try to change Start or End date

Actual results:

I can't change the date and it's always returns to 30.12.0002
Component: Untriaged → Provider: GData
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar
Version: 60 → unspecified
Summary: Provider for Google Calendar: Can't change event date, always resets to 30.12.0002. → Can't change event date, always resets to 30.12.0002.
What timezone do you have configured? Is this also an issue if you create an event in a local calendar?
Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
Version: unspecified → Lightning 6.2
(In reply to [:MakeMyDay] from comment #1)
> What timezone do you have configured? Is this also an issue if you create an
> event in a local calendar?

Time Zone: Europe/Istanbul

Yes, tried local calendar now, this issue is also present in there.

Thunderbird 60.0 (32bit)
Lightning 6.2
Provider for Google Calendar 4.4.1
Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
Sorry, I wasn't precise - can you disable the Provider addon, restart TB and check again with a local calendar, please?
Unfortunately, the same result.
Ok, some more questions:

1. what is your platform?
2. do you see any eror messages in the error console when starting TB or reproducing the issue?
3. does the behaviour change if you switch to another timezone e.g. Europe/Berlin?
4. do you have any other addons installed and if so, does the issue persist if you disabled all of them and restarted TB?
One more thing:

5. if your are on Linux, where did you get TB / Lightning / Google Provider addon from?
1. Windows 10 (1803) x64
2. When I click End Date and afterwards Start Date, I see an error says: "The end date you entered occurs before the start date" and resets to 30.12.0002. ( )
   When I click Start Date first, I don't see any error and resets to 30.12.0002. ( )
   (These are happening when I haven't try to change the date yet, just clicking the area.)
3. Just tried it and still the same behaviour.
4. I have 4 addons. Active: Lightning (default), Provider for Google Calendar, ThunderKeepPlus. Disabled: Auto Select Latest Message.
   Disabled all except Lightning and tried with local calendar: still same behaviour.
Regarding #2 I was aksing for output from the error console (shift+ ctrl + j) - can you please check that?

Apart from that, can you reproduce the issue with a new profile, too?
In console, I have:
While creating services from category 'profile-after-change', could not create service for entry 'calendar-backend-loader', contract ID 'service,;1'
Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead.

Yes, also this is new profile.
Ok, that's not related. But I just noticed you're using an English UI - what locale of TB are you using? en-US? Do you use a localized Win10 version or also en English (which locale) one?
I use English locale (default in, should I try Turkish locale and check if issue still present?
I also use Windows in English.
No, keep it for now. What have you set |Date and Time Formatting| in TB preferences > advanced -> general to? Does changing that setting and restarting TB change anything?
It was "Regional settings locale: Turkish (Turkey)"
And I changed to "Application locale: English (United States)", restarted, tried to create event but the result is the same.
If this is relevant, I kept open console while creating event and it prints this error:

RangeError: date value is not finite in DateTimeFormat.format()
That's probably expected since the date is a little out the usual range. Can also post the file and line this error occurs?

Then, can you please paste the following in to the box of the lower part of the error console:


and press <enter>. This should print some data into the console. Can you please completely copy it an post it as well?
File and line:


XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper { isMutable: true, isValid: true, nativeTime: 1533762000000000, year: 2018, month: 7, day: 9, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, timezone: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper }
Summary: Can't change event date, always resets to 30.12.0002. → Can't change event date, always resets to 30.12.0002. [RangeError: date value is not finite in DateTimeFormat.format()]
Confirming as per [1], though I still cannot reproduce this. Per comment 4, this is not a gdata issue.

Component: Provider: GData → Dialogs
Ever confirmed: true
Whiteboard: [datetime-issue-6.2]
Yusuf, over in bug 1503731, it turned out that changing the OS timezone from +03:00 Minsk to +03:00 Moscow makes the issue disappear. It's not yet clear what's happening, so can you provide some data points from your settings?

Please set please TB Options > Advanced > Date and Time Formatting to OS Regional Settings, then open the troubleshooting information (Menu > Help > Troubleshooting information) and post here what you get in the Internationalization & Localization section at the end once with your current OS timezone setting (which I assume is Istanbul). Then, please switch your OS timezone to Moscow, reboot and collect the same information from the troubleshooting page.
Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
Both are identical.


Internationalization & Localization
Application Settings
Requested Locales 	["en-US"]
Available Locales 	["en-US"]
App Locales 	["en-US"]
Regional Preferences 	["tr-TR"]
Default Locale 	"en-US"
Operating System
System Locales 	["en-US"]
Regional Preferences 	["tr-TR"]


Internationalization & Localization
Application Settings
Requested Locales 	["en-US"]
Available Locales 	["en-US"]
App Locales 	["en-US"]
Regional Preferences 	["tr-TR"]
Default Locale 	"en-US"
Operating System
System Locales 	["en-US"]
Regional Preferences 	["tr-TR"]
Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
And yes, setting to Moscow fixes the issue.
Thanks, you see this on a 64 bit system, right?

To get further to the culprit, can you do two additoinal checks with changing the OS timezone and checking whether the issue occurs or disappears:

1. Nairobi
2. Baku (if this fails, do the values you see in case of the second issues look different then for Istanbul?)
Yes, 64 bit.

No problem with either of them.
Thank you. Can you also do what I requested at [1]?

Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
Tried with debug addon. I get these:

Lightning:Failed to format time value "Invalid Date" (object)  datetimepickers.xml:1878
Lightning:Invalid Date  datetimepickers.xml:1879
Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
Thanks - I have another debug version uploaded to 1503731 - can you check it with that again?
Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
Lightning:Failed to format time value "Invalid Date" (object)  datetimepickers.xml:1938
Lightning:Invalid Date  datetimepickers.xml:1939
Flags: needinfo?(yusufaktepe)
We figured out the culprit in bug 1503731, which has a patch now.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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