Closed Bug 148267 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

[4xp] From header wrong when reply-to address is used after migrate


(MailNews Core :: Profile Migration, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mrmazda, Assigned: racham)



(2 files)

This is very old (many months), but I couldn't get Bugzilla to find anything looking like this. Currently using OS/2 2002053008 trunk. FWIW, I did a fresh migrate from 4xp without impacting this. The migration included one email account and six news server accounts. To reproduce: 1-Complete in prefs news account identity the fields: Your Name: Email Address: Reply-to Address: using non-matching email addresses 2-Compose and send news Actual results headers in form as follows: emailaddress <emailaddress> reply-toaddress Expected results headers in form as follows: yourname <emailaddress> reply-toaddress
Does it happen with a non migrated profile?
With a fresh from scratch profile it worked as expected (Fri, 31 May 2002 11:21:25 -0400 to netscape.public.mozilla.os2 with subject "Mailnews Bug 148267 Test"), but I did not create any of the other news server accounts, only one necessary to test post. Should I have created multiple news servers before testing? Need I try creating others now?
Keywords: 4xp
If you look at the thread referred to in comment 4 on news:netscape.public.mozilla.os2 you will see I tried many things to cause the same behavior after creating a new profile from scratch. No success, so it looks like this must be some kind of migration problem. Changing component to profile migration from account manager.
Component: Account Manager → Profile Migration
Can you post a screenshot of your 4.x settings so I can migrate them?
It would take a lot of screenshots to get both the email and the six news servers. Want to try using my prefs first? (emailed already)
This did not happen again when I migrated fresh with 2002060216 (preliminary v1.0 release for OS/2). I'll try another migrate on the trunk probably wednesday or thursday.
I migrated the 2002060608 trunk today and experienced the problem exactly as originally reported.
Something I didn't notice before now is a disparity between the "from" displayed in the XUL message header and the message's actual from header. Here is the "from" from the last email I sent, copied & pasted from Netscape: From: "UgaddaBkidding.due2UCE" <"UgaddaBkidding.due2UCE"> Note the extra pair of quotes missing from the XUL display in attachment 85685 [details]. This probably is or should be another bug (search came up empty), but may be related to the problem here and unnecessary at this point. Bugs I read: 134277, 117975, 39955. "after migrate" and "trunk" added to summary.
Summary: [4xp] From header wrong when reply-to address is used → [trunk][4xp] From header wrong when reply-to address is used after migrate
I can't reproduce this problem on the 6/21 build. Do you still see this problem on current builds.
Still broken in 2002062408 trunk. Note this bug is still marked "unconfirmed". No one but me seems to be able to reproduce this. Note also in the screenshot both the long length of the from address and the second period in the from address. Maybe these are why no one can reproduce this.
Still broken in OS/2 1.1b release build 2002072910. [trunk] removed from summary.
Summary: [trunk][4xp] From header wrong when reply-to address is used after migrate → [4xp] From header wrong when reply-to address is used after migrate
No improvement in today's official 1.1 release build.
Ever confirmed: true
WFM now in OS/2 2002101717 1.2b release build. Minor differences in profile freshly migrated: 1-Old email address: Felix Miata <> New email address: Felix Miata <UgaddaBkidding.due2UCE@dev.nul> 2-Old reply-to address: New reply-to address: I did not test to see if the five character shorter email address was the difference.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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