Open Bug 1485981 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Mozregression for x86 devices


(Testing :: mozregression, enhancement)

Version 2
Windows 10


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: bsurd, Unassigned)


Implement a way to run mozregression on x86 devices on Android.

Currently, mozregression installs arm builds on x86 devices. 

This will help when testing with issues that reproduce on x86 devices only. Making it easier to find a valid regression range for them.
Hey Bogdan, I personally don't have time to work on this. I can help review patches and point people in the right direction in the code, but that's about it. If this blocking you, I'd recommend filing a PI request:
It's more of an enhancement request rather than a necessity. If there is someone who could take care of this or implement it that would be great. 

It would also help with running mozregression on emulators since x86 ones run faster than the arm ones.
Severity: normal → S3
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