Closed Bug 149218 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Chimera doesn't display files dragged to its' Dock icon


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugmail, Assigned: mikepinkerton)


An HTML file dragged to Chimera's Dock icon results in an error dialog being displayed claiming that the file cannot be found. An image file cannot be dragged to Chimera's Dock icon; the icon refuses the dragged file. Chimera should accept files dragged to its' Dock icon.
Assignee: saari → pinkerton
Assignee: pinkerton → ccarlen
Blocks: 147975
okay, local file is in but this isn't fixed. What else do we need to do here?
Retested this using the 06-26 build on OS 10.1.5: Display of html files: 1. Went to an html page (I used File->Save As->test.html on my desktop. 2. Minimize chimera. 3. Drag test.html from my desktop to the chimera icon in the dock. 4. Chimera opens a new window displaying that html file. The location bar says file://localhost/Users/(username)/Desktop/test.html PASS Display of image files: 1. Save an image, test.gif, on my desktop. 2. Minimize chimera. 3. Drag test.gif from my desktop to the chimera icon in the dock. Expected result: chimera opens a new window with test.gif. Actual result: Chimera's Dock icon refuses the dragged file. In other words, I'm experiencing the same behavior as the reporter for image files but not for HTML files.
We need to add .gif, .jpeg etc to the info.plst so we can accept drags. Workaround for testing: hold down command and option keys while dragging image file over dock icon, to 'force' acceptance.
Is there any way to have the list of accepted drag types be determined at runtime, instead of hardcoding it into the plst?
I don't think so, since it's the Finder that decides whether the icon can accept the drag, based on Launch Services database information.
Assignee: ccarlen → pinkerton
Severity: normal → critical
Target Milestone: --- → Chimera0.3
fixed. you might have to launch the app once before the finder lets you drag things to it. you might also have to make sure that you don't have any old versions of 'navigator' on your machine else the finder might find those and not think that anything was updated.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified in the 2002-07-08-13 build.
No longer blocks: 147975
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