Open Bug 1492843 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

TCP connection reset by F5


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, defect, P2)

60 Branch





(Reporter: thomas.trupel, Unassigned)



(1 file)

333.09 KB, application/x-zip-compressed
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0
Build ID: 20180621121604

Steps to reproduce:

firefox : 60.1.0esr (32bits) on windows 6.1 (num 7601: SP1)
f5 : 12.1.2 build 1.543.271
good connection : min 100 Mbps

firefox->f5->sharepoint server

when watching a video (length 1:55) with the built-in player the connection is reset (tcp reset) at 30s

Actual results:

f5 reset the connection, cause : zero window timeout

f5 default config, tcp profil : zero window timeout = 20000 milliseconds
firefox default config : media.cache_readahead_limit = 60s and media.cache_resume_threshold = 30s

firefox start downloading the video (60s) and stop downloading sending "TCP ZeroWindow". Then f5 send 3*"TCP ZeroWindowProbe", at 5s interval with 3*"TCP ZeroWindowProbeAck" back from firefox and f5 finally send tcp reset

Expected results:

we should watch the video without connection reset

firefox (media.cache_readahead_limit)-(media.cache_resume_threshold) should be inferior to f5 (tcp zero window timeout)

actual config : 60-30>20
I am unable to test this because of unavailability of f5 network. Placing this under core:Networking so someone can look into this and assist you with this issue. Thanks!
Component: Untriaged → Networking
Product: Firefox → Core
Can you please provide http log?
Flags: needinfo?(thomas.trupel)
Attached file
Flags: needinfo?(thomas.trupel)
(for others who need to look these things up: 6.1 means "Windows 7")

Can you provide a URL to a public service that reproduces this scenario?

I'm not aware that Firefox does anything in particular to control or change how the TCP window size is sent nor zero window probes.
Flags: needinfo?(thomas.trupel)
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [necko-triaged]
Hello Daniel,

I'm looking for a F5 trial licence to reproduce this scenario.

Best regards,
The bug is not limited to this scenario :

firefox->f5->sharepoint server

Actually the scope is :

firefox->f5->server with no support for partial content
Hello Daniel,

I'm able to reproduce the scenario.

Can you send me your a private message with your public ip ?

Best regards,
Thomas Trupel
Flags: needinfo?(thomas.trupel)
(In reply to thomas.trupel from comment #7)
> Hello Daniel,
> I'm able to reproduce the scenario.
> Can you send me your a private message with your public ip ?
> Best regards,
> Thomas Trupel

Hi Thomas,

Could you send me the detailed steps for reproducing this?
You can send it to my email:

Flags: needinfo?(thomas.trupel)
Based on comment #0, I think this is a media related issue.

Maybe the reason of connection reset is that our media code doesn't consume the data soon enough.
Component: Networking → Audio/Video: Playback
Flags: needinfo?(thomas.trupel)
Whiteboard: [necko-triaged]
Severity: normal → S3
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