Open Bug 149534 Opened 23 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Failures during LDAP cert fetching should inform the user


(MailNews Core :: Security: S/MIME, defect)

Other Branch


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: KaiE, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [kerh-coz])

LDAP cert fetching, as being implemented in bug 119394, is rather silent in its initial version. Mozilla tries to fetch certs, and if there are none, or if there is a problem with connecting to the directory, the user is not being informed, but the application continues with informing the user. This bug is to discuss which failures should be reported to the user, what wording should be used, and whether the failures should be reported with dialog boxes or by some other strategy. For example, the LDAP autocompletion pops up some temporary error message beneath the user input.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Keywords: nsbeta1
Mass reassign ssaux bugs to nobody
Assignee: ssaux → nobody
Mass change "Future" target milestone to "--" on bugs that now are assigned to nobody. Those targets reflected the prioritization of past PSM management. Many of these should be marked invalid or wontfix, I think.
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Product: PSM → Core
Whiteboard: [kerh-coz]
QA Contact: carosendahl → s.mime
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Severity: normal → S3
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