Endless loop in audiodg.exe causes W2016 black screen at logon (and other programs hanging)
(Core :: Audio/Video: cubeb, defect, P3)
(Reporter: duparchy, Unassigned)
Updated•6 years ago
Updated•6 years ago
Comment 3•6 years ago
In a lab where 40-60 students use Firefox on a citrix Desktop I observe the hanging audiosrv several times a day. As workaround i use 2 scheduled tasks: 1. Kill audiodg.exe 30 seconds after every login. This prevents logins from staying stuck in the black screen.
2. Scheduled task to detect hanging audiosrv every 3 minutes. I use "sc interrogate audiosrv" to detect this. In that cases sc.exe will not return in under 2-3 minutes. Then taskkill to end the Service because it doesnt respond anymore.
I've found a workaround : restart audiosrv upon EventID 7011.
This is done through a "scheduled task", but there no schedule at all ; the trigger is "on an event"
the problem still exist. When can we get a fix for this? I mean this issue is reported six month ago and you confirmed it.
Comment 6•3 years ago
Do you still experience this issue when using a current version?
I saw this error a couple month ago. It was on a normal PC with Windows 10 1909 an Citrix VDA 1912. I can't remember the version of firefrox.
My guess is that it has something to do with citrix api hooks.
On Server 2016 I didn't saw the error for maybe one or two years.
Seems OK on W2019 RDSH and W10 here.
Updated•2 years ago
Comment 9•11 months ago
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