Open Bug 1499909 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

fix_stack_using_bpsyms should be able to fix windows stacks on a non-windows machine


(Testing :: General, enhancement, P3)

55 Branch


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: erahm, Unassigned)


As someone who looks at dmd reports it would be useful to be able to fix windows stacks on a linux machine. Currently this fails for at least 2 reasons:

#1) Checking for symbol files assumes the library path is using the local path separator (ie: '/' on linux, but the path is something like "C:\foo\bar\baz.dll")
#2) We depend on some sort of fileid program that is windows only

Fixing #1 is probably good enough for working with symbols from nightlies where I only expect one UUID to be present, but needs to be dealt with for builds that include test executables AFAICT.
The fileid program was us dealing with the fact that we have the gtest libxul in the symbols package which has the same filename as the normal libxul but differs in debug ID. That info is all in the executable headers, it's just a PITA to parse it out in Python.
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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