Closed Bug 1503909 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Running raptor modifies objdir


(Testing :: Raptor, defect)

Version 3
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: smaug, Unassigned)



running Raptop adds <objdir>/dist/bin/mozilla.cfg and <objdir>/dist/bin/defaults/pref/autoconfig.js and those get then loaded also when running a FF profile without raptor, and that means all the proxy settings are wrong. It is possible that I'm seeing the issue because I've ctrl+C'ed raptor run. But I'd expect raptor to modify the profile data, not objdir.
(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] (high review load) from comment #0) > running Raptop adds > <objdir>/dist/bin/mozilla.cfg > and > <objdir>/dist/bin/defaults/pref/autoconfig.js > > and those get then loaded also when running a FF profile without raptor, and > that means all the proxy settings are wrong. > > It is possible that I'm seeing the issue because I've ctrl+C'ed raptor run. > > But I'd expect raptor to modify the profile data, not objdir. Raptor does turn off the Firefox proxy settings after the test finishes, so yes ctrl+c'ing out will leave the proxy settings enabled for future Firefox startups. Great suggestion, I didn't know that was possible. Can you please tell me how I can turn on proxy settings inside profile data and not in the obj dir? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
Blocks: 1503315
Actually maybe the Raptor webext itself can set the proxy when running on Firefox:
./mach help run says --setpref SETPREF Set the specified pref before starting the program. Can be set multiple times. Prefs can also be set in ~/.mozbuild/machrc in the [runprefs] section - see `./mach settings` for more information. perhaps that could be useful?
Flags: needinfo?(bugs)
See Also: → 1485082
See Also: 1485082
We don't use autoconfig anymore; we use a policy which is removed after.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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