Bug 1506066
Opened 6 years ago
Closed 7 months ago
Error message after opening file from Solidworks 2018 PDM if file resides in "PDM safe" (some sort of virtual drive)
(Core :: XPCOM, defect)
(Reporter: volkmar.grube, Unassigned)
(1 file)
177.73 KB,
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With Thunderbird 60.3 I have a problem, if I bring files per Drag&Drop from our Solidworks 2018 PDM as attachments to a new message.
First I get a message, that the database could not be open (what is not nessecary, because the file is located at local disc), the files will be enclosed.
But then it is often not possible, to save the message as draft and it is not possible to send it.
It seems, that this problem occurs if the source of the files is the PDM.
The enclosed message will be shown every time, the 2nd problem (not possible to send) doesn't occurs every time, but often.
Summary: Error message aften enclosing of files from Solidworks 2018 PDM → Error message after enclosing files from Solidworks 2018 PDM
Comment 1•6 years ago
Can you attach ("Attach File" above) a *small* sample file for us to try please.
The problem is not the attachment, it can be a PDF, JPG, TXT or something else. The problem is the place, where it is situated before the Drag&Drop process starts. If it is located at the normal disc, everything is ok, if it is located at the area of the PDM safe, the error occurs.
Explanation of the Solidworks PDM safe: The files are saved at a PDM server and they are handled by a SQL Database. If they are needed at a workstation, first they will completely downloaded to this workstation as readonly file into a special area at the local disc (the error occurs independend of the readonly state). Physically these file now are existing at the workstation and we are able to see them with any file explorer (Windows explorer, Total Commander etc.). But the difference to normal files is, that they are handled by the pdm service in different cases.
By the way: With all the versions 5x of Thunderbird this problem does not occur.
Comment 3•6 years ago
Hmm, you didn't tell us the full story to begin with :-(
Can that be reproduced with Firefox somehow? Visit a site that will upload a file, then select the PDM file from the safe.
Summary: Error message after enclosing files from Solidworks 2018 PDM → Error message after enclosing file from Solidworks 2018 PDM if file resides in "PDM safe" (some sort of virtual drive)
Comment 4•6 years ago
Oh, the error message actually comes from the Solidworks PDM.
Yes, you are correct, that seems to be a message of the PDM. After the confirmation of this message, the attachments are attached, but often I could not save or send these messages. Thunderbird denies the transport of these messages and of all other messages. Only a new login at Windows helps.
The test with Firefox I will do on Monday.
I tried to open a file (classic way, no drag&drop) with Firefox 63.0.1 (64-Bit). The error message appears and I'm not able to open directories of the PDM. What can I do?
Comment 7•6 years ago
We move the bug to the Firefox/Mozilla Core queue. Thunderbird consists to (estimated) 95% of Mozilla Core code that we use for almost everything (networking, file handling, rendering, the lot ...) apart from sending/receiving e-mail.
I believe file handling is in XPCOM, but I could be wrong.
Component: General → XPCOM
Product: Thunderbird → Core
Summary: Error message after enclosing file from Solidworks 2018 PDM if file resides in "PDM safe" (some sort of virtual drive) → Error message after opening file from Solidworks 2018 PDM if file resides in "PDM safe" (some sort of virtual drive)
Version: 60 → 60 Branch
After reading our conversation and doing some more tests, I would think, that this bug is very similiar to Bug 1468250.
Some minutes ago I had an idea: Could it be, that the problem is the 32bit-Version? I know from my own programs for Solidworks, that Solidworks only accepts access from 64bit programs since several versions.
Comment 10•6 years ago
Well, you tried Firefox 64bit in comment #6 and it also showed the problem. TB is available unofficially as 64bit as well, for example TB 60.3.1 hot off the press:
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Comment 11•6 years ago
Issue still present with Thunderbird 64 beta
Comment 12•6 years ago
Yes, it didn't get magically fixed with zero action in this bug.
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Comment 13•6 years ago
Some minutes ago, I learned the following: If I start Thunderbird in win7 comapatible mode (independent if the OS is Win7) everything is ok.
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
Comment 14•10 months ago
Do you believe this issue still exists?
Flags: needinfo?(volkmar.grube)
Whiteboard: [closeme 2024-06-01]
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Comment 15•10 months ago
It seems, that this issue does not longer exist. With Solidworks PDM 2022 and Thunderbird 115.11.0 (32 bit) the Drag&Drop process works fine.
Flags: needinfo?(volkmar.grube)
Comment 16•7 months ago
Resolved per whiteboard and Comment 15
Closed: 7 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: [closeme 2024-06-01]
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